
How can vodka hit you fast apart from having it neat ? can u flame it up ?

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How can vodka hit you fast apart from having it neat ? can u flame it up ?




  1. Pour it into your eye, inject via e***a, or consume via funnel.  

    Note people have died from all of the above... so you should just drink it straight and switch to everclear.

    Oh and I'm not sure what to "flame it up" means but if your asking if lighting it will help you get drunk faster then no.  Its just the opposite, when you light liquor what is fueling the fire is the alcohol which burns off.

  2. Actually, i fyou take a shot of vodka on an empty stomach and you haven;t eaten for a few hours, it will absorb into the bloodstream and you are smashed

  3. Vodka and sprite in a shot glass. Slam it on the table, then take a shot. The carbonation brings the alcohol to the bloodstream more quickly.  

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