
How can we, the fans, take steps towards booting Bettman. He's got to go, and soon.?

by Guest64684  |  earlier

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Ever since he came into the league it has been falling apart piece by piece. Seriously, how can this guy still have a job?? What's going on here?




  1. We can't. And really, Bettman has made some bad calls, but If you bother to listen to the guy, he actually seems pretty reasonable. Look up the NHL hour on Itunes podcasts- he and Bill Clement co host a radio show where they take calls from fans. It's stopped for the summer, but listed to a few old episodes. You'll be amazed at what you can learn and really how reasonable these choices seem when explained.

  2. Blame the owners...not Bettman.  

    Man, I need to get this slogan made into a t-shirt.  Patent Pending! Patent Pending, suckers!

  3. How can he have a job?

    1) NHL revenues are at their highest level ever ($200MM ahead of 2003-04)

    2) Arena attendance is at the highest level ever

    3) American local television ratings are at their highest ever

    4) Player salaries are at their highest level ever

    5) In October 2007, the owners voted 30-0 to give him a 5 year extention

    6) In November 2007, the players voted 98.3% to support that extention (and yes, Chelios was one of the 5 dissenters)

    He joined a league with 26 teams (Florida and Anaheim started play in his tenure but were named as franchises by John Ziegler) it has 30

    Where is it falling apart?

  4. well the main reason he's still here is because the leagues revenue is going up. Which that means the nhl is making more and more money each year. So until the league starts losing money he'll still be here. But the fans can protest against him kind of like a strike. For example fans could just stop showing up to games and say we don't go to games if Bettman is still comishiner

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