
How can we Improve the Global warming/Climate Change Lie?

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With so much evidence against the global warming cult and so few people that believe in it anymore, how can we scare people back to the church/cult of global warming?




  1. I like your question, but I have to ask why anyone would wish to do as you suggest.

    There are still plenty of people who neither understand, or are willing to accept science.

    They will continue with their ill-conceived beliefs, and try to mandate and impose those beliefs on the majority, until they have already done the damage and go on to the next topic that is the 'Buzz word of they day', or whatever moronic theory comes along that suits their current beliefs!

    I think you describe this hysteria quite properly as a church/cult!

    Perhaps we should name it the 'Church of Al Gore of latter day fools' !

    I found a video a couple of hours ago which I think is worth watching, which I think also adds some interesting insight on the subject!

    I think that the real 'Inconvenient Truth' is how so many people are willing to exploit others and how many people are willing to let that happen!

    Thanks for your question.

  2. Given that you provide absolutely no evidence, and both your premises are false, I don't think the defenders of science and the environment need any "help" from you.

  3. ok.. so global warming is NOT a cult.  how dare you say this about your earth, your home.  and, in fact, ALOT of people believe in global warming!  skeptics just want attention.

    i would write about global warming in here.. but it sounds like your just some freaky cult guy who wants something to do with his time.  get a new hobby.

    we dont "scare" people back to the "church/cult" of global warming.  there is no such thing.

  4. Do you have anything to support your half-baked comments other than your arrogance and lack of knowledge?

  5. By continuing to ignore true facts and state everything that is not true.

  6. Distract people from facts that don't support AGW.  Glacial melting (not temperature) is already being proclaimed as the best indicator of climate change.  The temperature can drop, but there will always be other indicators that can be found to support the idea that it is getting warmer.

  7. have these dolts make more kool-aid. but that would be impossible because all the fruit flavors will be scortched due to global warming.  never mind then. ill go back to being a non believer.

  8. hmmm...a tenuous link between global warming and autism might do the trick.

    "Recently, researchers have also found that mercury present in air and water can also cause autism. Mercury is the most common pollutant released from power plants, dye industries, leather industries and those that are burning fossil fuels."

    See...we don't know for sure what's causing autism, we don't know for sure what's causing global warming, but we're guessing they're both caused by power plants and fossil fuels!

  9. One idea might be to makeup some BS about 'much evidence against GW' or perhaps a straight lie about few people believing in it anymore.

  10. Haha, love that question and especially that veiw.  Global Warming is nonsense.  We are rising in tempertature because we are recently coming out of an ice age.  It is natural for the earth to go under a rise or fall in temperature.  The earth has been doing this for millions of years.  Why are we blaming it on our actions when it has happened naturally for centuries?

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