
How can we all look different? Racially?

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Ok, if we are all the same, why do asians have slanted eyes? and if the sun has something to do with peoples skin color depending on the region they live in, why dont aussies have black skin?

how scientifically can we all look different?




  1. Please, no one be offended by any of this, I'm not trying to demean any race at all. I'm simply using what I learned in Bio and other such classes.

    a lot of it has to do with the spread of humanity out of Africa and Mesopotamia. The people who stayed in those areas did not gain or lose many "alien" characteristics (that is to say, features different from the norm in those areas) and they all maintained the general characteristics. those who moved outward, into Europe and Asia, had a different environment and exposure to sun (their skin became lighter as a result from skin pigmentation).

    the so called "Aryan" look, with blond hair n blue eyes, was actually around even in caveman times. people with this look were rare, however, and were seen as more beautiful as a result. Because of the limited exposure to sunlight in europe, the weak light literally bleached the skin and sometimes hair of its inhabitants. Early europeans interbred, especially when the seas opened and travel between the continents became impossible. This is why you see more fair-skinned, blond, blue-eyed people (especially in Europe) than you do n any other race.

    To recap, skin color or pigmentation is partially due to our exposure to sunlight and partly due to our genetic inheritance (which is why an interracial baby will have characteristics of both parents)

    The slanted eye shape is not limited to asia; there are people wiht this shape of eyes all around the world. However, the particular abundance of this characteristic in Asia could be due to, you guessed it, genetics. Because one's parents had it, one will most likely have it too.

    It all depends on where you live really. If you live in one isolated area for long enough, you will see that everyone starts to gain similar characteristics, especially if the sun is really strong or really weak.

    There is also the theory that some characteristics are the results of a genetic mutation. It is possible that blue eyes were originally a mistake in some caveman's programming, but the mistake was passed on until it actually became a possibility in some random baby.

    since the world is so integrated now, though, we may all end up looking the same someday.

  2. idk

    but scientists say that in the future we'll all be the same color eventually...

  3. They say we're the same because we're all human anatomically. We all have lungs, five fingers, etc.. There are black dogs and white dogs. They're still dogs, aren't they? And there are different breeds of dogs--labradors, german shepards, pomerians--but you know what...they're still dogs.

  4. Slanted eyes are not unique to Asia. They are found all over Africa as well. As for your aussie comment, it seems someone already beat me to it. All people are related.

    SonofMep- We are not different breeds of people. We have never been selectively bred for long enough. For example, A chihuahua can't have a great danes baby naturally, because the two have been so selectively bred for so long they are not compatible. That is not the case with any group of people.

  5. We're all different but we're all the same.  There are Persian cats and Russian Blue cats and Siamese cats and mixed breed cats, but they're all cats.

  6. Native Australians do have black skin. Its the prisoners and immigrants who came over from other countries that have the white skin. If they lived there for hundreds of thousands of years they would eventually get darker. Natural selection would select the species with the characteristics most favourable to survive in the area.

  7. I think the australian one is because ,if your talking about the caucasian australians, they are most likely a group of people that were not originally there.  

  8. because it takes more than a couple of hundred years for europeans to physically adapt to its environments.

    real aussies the aboriginals are almost black as in black.  

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