
How can we as Americans expect to lower our deficit and our taxes while expecting the government to deliver?

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on every American whim? We want free healthcare and medication, we want better education standards from our government, we want to save the homeless, we want to lock away anyone that we see as a threat to our own personal freedom or lifestyle. we want to save the environment and provide cheap energy and fuel sources. I think the problem is that we as Americans have an insatiable appetite for everything all the time. I'm no different, i want some of those things and feel entitled to them because that's the culture i've been brought up in. We need to limit the roll of government and quit expecting them to provide us as Americans with 24/7 nanny support.




  1. by lowering the department of defense budget by about 1/10 of 1 percent and pull out of the mess in Iraq.

  2. ** America Should Use the Alaska Permanant Fund as a Model **

    Both the Permanent Fund and the Permanent Fund dividends originated in the harvest of Alaska's tremendous oil wealth. The development of the vast Prudhoe Bay oil field on state-owned land allowed the state government to collect more than $12 billion in petroleum taxes and royalties in the decade from 1972 to 1982, with the expectation of an additional $140 billion or more by the year 2000.

    Exploding revenues produced exploding budgets. By 1982, Alaska was number one among the states in per capita expenditures ($88,500 per person), and was spending almost three times as much per Alaskan as the U.S. government was spending per American.

    The first waves of the rising sea of oil money prompted Alaskans to create the Permanent Fund by a 1976 Constitutional amendment. By law, this public savings account receives at least 25 percent of all oil royalties which works out to approximately 10 percent of the states oil revenue in an average year.9 As explained by Elmer Rasmuson, the Funds first board chairman, The Permanent Fund began, chiefly, with a 'negative goal, to place part of the one-time oil wealth beyond the reach of day-to-day government spending.

    Last fall and winter virtually every Alaskan received their own spendable, savable, investable $1,000 share of Alaskas oil wealth their Permanent Fund dividend. The more than 400,000 people who received these checks became part of one of the most remarkable social experiments in modern American history, testing whether a small slice of public resource revenues might benefit Alaska more in the hands of individual Alaskans than in the hands of their state government.

    The dividends and the Permanent Fund which generates them stand apart from traditional American notions of governments role in society.

    The concept of the government distributing resource revenues in equal amounts, directly to all individuals, makes an astonishing end-run around usual debates about taxes and public spending.

  3. just print more money

  4. Because Americans today are naive and have a victim mentality. Less government is better government in my opinion. There is no problem that private enterprise can't do a better job solving. It's also a matter of prioritization meaning if you want 'x' you may not get 'y'. But most Americans want instant gratification and all their desires fulfilled.

  5. To tell the truth they could do better than they do on alot of things.

    For Example;

    -why doesnt the government help its people to purchase home solar and wind electric generators.

    -stop spending our money that we give them on stupid things like a war on drugs, when the facts are they hav'nt done anything with that money but imprison young americans debilitating thier ability to have a positive impact on our community.

    Better energy policies will affect the enviroment, just so happens the cheaper energy sources are better for the enviorment.

    Instead of using oil or ethanol<made from corn> use hemp for fuel it has been done in the past but hemps illegal in the US. Plus its a weed so it grows easy and doesnt damage the soil like corn does.

    America has many untapped resources if we rid our selves of the serious losses then we can start see significant gains.

  6. Next year, all television signals are going to be digital. That means that older model analog television sets will be utterly useless.

    The federal government is going to give anyone that has an analog set about eighty bucks.  

    I'm utterly unable to find anything about this matter in the Constitution.

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