
How can we as Americans help our country make a positive turn-around?

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A lot of things are going on right now in our country. We may not have all the control, but we have some. What can we do to help our country?




  1. I've said it before and I'll say it again: HELP YOUR LOCAL DE@DBEAT DADS!!!! For crying out loud children, they have no business rights, no patent rights, no right to civil licenses like hunting licenses or fishing licenses, no rights to own guns, no rights to own tools, no rights to get loans, grants or trust monies (all federally managed funds are verboden), and the list goes on. They can be arrested for jaywalking and spend 2 years hard time at labor in federal prison (if they live long enough ~ can you imagine most dads hanging with that crowd of AIDS infected perverts??????? And that's just the jailers ~ the jailed will eat them alive!!!!) De@dbeat dads need your help to get licenses so they can really work off their debts.

    Don't you kids know why there are age discrimination laws? Because without them the older workers get the "SHAFT". And sick workers too. Age and Disability Laws exist to protect dads who work. De@dbeat dad laws exist in "propaganda" to help kids; in reality they defeat utterly all discrimination laws. Yes, even those that "cover" religious and ethnic discrimination. Because, if a judge is "permitted" in closed session to "impute an income" daddy can't in reality keep if he ever gets sick (or as in most cases Dad has not and cannot ever actually earn due to dumb daddy syndrome ~ hey we are not all rocket scientists and even with those of us that were some of us are "politically" disaffected. Oh, yeah, there's another form of discrimination Law defeated by de@dbeat dad law ~ political descrimination law.) Didn't know you could be jailed for a political opinion in the USA, did ya? Well, get fired by the government (or not rehired) because of your politics and need that income to earn enough to make your "imputed income"? Well ~ in that case my friend hope to luck out in judge selection ~ cause any conservative judge will likely put the hammer down for good on you. The USA needs you to give a passable chance to those who cannot work due to redicule of our political and legal and health care systems.

    And we need you to hang tough. Because, and I cannot mean this more, this is the Ronald Reagan Revolution. The Conservatives too often kill those who oppose them both here and everywhere else. I've personally been shot on average every two years for over a decade. I've seen machine guns used in the presence of children against those that intend testimony against conservatives.

    So, travel in groups. Be armed with as much as you can afford to be armed with, be it a tazer or laser or whatever is legal in your state. And help the Liberal. Cause he'd help you.

    And he earned better than this.

  2. Stop Bush and his stupid war. He don´t know that terrorist are not in Iraq ? They went to Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, etc to wait the disaster of American operation. That is a big business for some American companies and tax payers money is going to there pockets. Impeachment? is to late.

  3. We can raise taxes on people that make over 30,000 dollars a year and give that money to people with no jobs so they can buy cars and new things so they will be happy

  4. There is nothing wrong with this great country Just this never ending drum beat how bad everything is Dang I'll be happy when Mr Bush is out of office just to shut y'all up

  5. No confidence vote  when there is none in a Government. The Government would then fall and an election could then happen. This would only improve a country which did not have this already . Many have    this already though or something like it.  The other option is to have an election campaign system which does not last as long as those in a specific country appear to last. The other measures Human Right To Peace, Human Right to own the planet and conserve natural resources as rights for citizens in the constitution or equivalent of it in all nations.

  6. Get registered and VOTE!

    Just don't EVER vote a Dem or Rep EVER again!

    They have all the power{they saw to it that they did}, so they bear ALL the responsibility for their abysmally poor judgment calls, and total lack of financial acumen!

    They made themselves rich at our expense, but left us with pocket change to survive on!

    Their endless lies, cheats, stealing, back stabbing, corkscrewing, and dirty dealing has to end!

    As long as they hold office it will NEVER end!

    It's past time for THEM to be in the unemployment lines!



  8. Become more Conservative.

    Promote self responsibility.

  9. By actually participating in the political process. Write your congressmen about your viewpoint, register to vote, volunteer for the candidate you support.

  10. Support term limits in Congress.

  11. Get rid of the illegals and the left wing that's soul purpose is to destroy us.

  12. be the best person you can be - hopefully we can start a chain reaction of positive thinking and acting.

  13. a simple change in polls+ turning negitive things in a positive dfirection & you as an active person in  each goverment role.

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