
How can we as conservatives stop this type of reckless, socialst driven madness?

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because if we do nothing, the pelosi/reid regime surely will seem mild in comparison to whats to come.




  1. The first step would be to stop classifying people by anything other than American. It's certainly not only conservatives who don't like violence in the streets.

    The red vs. blue, conservative vs. liberal, etc. works people into a frenzy about certain issues. Frenzied people rarely act rationally.

    And, what about the conservatives who bombed all those abortion clinics? Wasn't that equally reckless madness?

  2. We must turn out at the voting booth(s) en masse to counter the efforts of the left-wing lunatics who profess "change". If anything, moderate libs and independents should feel more at ease with Mr. McCain than they would be with the long-winded and grossly inexperienced ward politician from Chicago. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that even Ms. Palin has much more applicable public experience than BO in his modest and barely recognizable tenure in the senate. Also, Pelosi and Reid have worn out their comedy act in congress. They have succeeded in only one pursuit since their rise to power...all-time low confidence ratings!

  3. "The Wise One" is at the correct STARTING point.  If your banking on TODAYS republican conservatives,  FORGET IT!  The so called repub conservatives of today are the socialist democrats of yesteryear.

    William F. Buckley Jr. said it SO WELL..."todays republican party is where the democrat party was ten years ago".

    ONLY a return to the Libertarian values of our founding fathers can defeat communalism/socialism, which are the religion of mankind.  If I were you I'd check out...  ...CLOSELY, then become a member of our Libertarian party & support our constitutionally based REPRESENTATIVES of & for the people.

    The repubie party(I'm a former member) now a days ONLY fields the same politicians(magicians!) that the demmie party does.  They MIGHT be A point or at most two points to the right of the demmie socialists but that's it.

    We've been telling folks for years that "THE" republOCRATIC party is a monster with two heads that has gone "centralist" in agenda/policy.  SOME folks dummy up & actually see it for what it has become/is.  Far too many tho are still under the "trance" of their politicians(magicians!) & can not see thtu the magic of hollow promises, fibs, deceit, corruption, debauchery, grafts & out right lies/bilking etc to be able to break away.  

    Much of the problem stems around the fib of "free" money & security thru bogus social programs like DSHS/DHHS & socialist security/medi caid.

    If ya ever wake up in the morning with a sore "bunger",  I'll tell ya WHY with no punches pulled... those republOCRATIC politicians(magicians!) have both hands on tha back of your shoulders & their f@cking ya to death!

    Giuliani was demmie then "magically" became a repubie?  Bush Sr. & slick Willy are the CLOSEST of PERSONAL friends?  McCain & Biden outta be married considering how good of "buds" they are with one another.  Best take a CLOSER look at these magicians masquerading as so called representatives.  Outside of Ron Paul(they black balled him) there's precious few that meet the meaning of CONSTITUTIONALLY BASED REPRESENTATIVES OF & FOR THE PEOPLE.  

    Like BIG difference in meaning between the following...politician(magician!) &  representative.  Check out the diff in meaning on any online dictionary between those two words.  Hint...there not even FIELD related in description.

    If ya decide to jump ship & become a Libertarian party member let me be the first to welcome you aboard!

  4. They are anarchists, not socialists. There's a whole world between the two.

  5. We can stop watching lame stream media, and put our kids in private schools so they aren't so indoctrinated.


  6. you mean madness like public schools, social security, minimum wage, workplace saftey rules, police departments, fire departments, roads, the interstate, publically operated airports, public transportation, the health department, etc?....all things said to be reckless socialism when they first were proposed....and now national health insurance so you won't have to let the health ins co. gouge you with premiums then deny coverage.   stop thinking of this stuff as socialism and start thinking of us working together as a community to get things done together....that's what roads and schools, etc. is.

  7. Stand up to them and speak out.  These pagan liberal hoards must be crushed.

  8. You do understand that it is the President who sets the national budget and under the ravening democratic president we had previously, the budget was balanced and the national debt started to wind down. WHile under the clear headed, right thinking Republicans, the party of fiscal sobriety that we have record deficits and a doubling of the national debt.

    When it comes to responsibility in fiscal matters, doesn't that make Bill Clinton the best Republican president since Eisenhower?

  9. Please, I'm sorry but what "reckless, socialist driven madness?"  If I knew what you were asking about I could perhaps recommend a way:  build a dam, shoot it, scream, cry, call the police, tell your mother on it/therm.

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