
How can we as individuals do our part in trying to resolve or decrease the problems faced by the world today?

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Problems such as shortage of food and fuel --------> leading to an increase in prices globally... also the problem of drugs and violence... how can we help?




  1. 1. Choose a problem that you would like to work on.

    2. Trust that others will work on the other problems.

    3. Learn about the problem and possible solutions.

    4. Develop a win-win-win solution.

    5. Tell everyone how they can benefit from fixing this problem.

    6. Act toward fixing the problem.

    7. Repeat from #1

  2. I will vote for McCain...Mr. Obama is the sponsor of S..3433 please READ THIS, read the whole bill ,, who do you think will pay for the $845,000,000,000,000.00 is that right? eight hundred forty five billion $$$$$$$$$  read the whole thing ,, A lot of people are in a quandary who to vote for,, just read the issues

  3. Volunteer. I've been volunteering for about 15+ yrs. I have volunteered at my local food bank, AIDS project, women's shelter's & animal rescues. I've also been an activist/public speaker for funding for women & childrens social servces (ie:medical clinics, housing,education). When you start locally, you will acquire the skills needed to move on to bigger projects. Than after you build up experience in the social service field, it will be easy to see what bigger things (globley) that you can move on to. You might want to go to college while volunteering and take some economics and behaviorial science (nature vs. nuture) courses. This would help you emensely with the worlds "big picture" issues. Good luck!

  4. DON'T VOTE FOR OBAMA........

  5. Speak everyone you come into contact with.

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