
How can we attain knowledge about how to live?

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we have laws about gravity, aerodynamics, etc, but the law about how to live... seems a bit different from the two.




  1. Study theory in whatever areas you find pertinent - it will go a long way in helping you determine what you think is important. Once you are more familiar with the different ways to consider an issue, you will be better able to determine what you think is correct and what should happen based on this theoretical foundation.

  2. The best law for living is simply called "the golden rule".

  3. Read the classics when you are young (the Bible is a classic).  They are classics for a reason.  Use this knowledge to help get into college.  Get a good job.  Read books by PHDs to help you in life.  Study your religion a little each day.

    Teach your children (you will learn alot).  Study the human sciences as a hobby.  This includes marketing.  Keep your life balanced.

  4. Observation through expierence.  Imperical.

  5. Julie; hit the Bible darlin.

    Start from the first page and study it at a rate of about three paragraphs a day. By the years end you will have read through the whole Bible. All sixty-six books. In it you will not only find laws on how to live; but things to avoid in living.

    It is said the Bible is filled with hypocrasy, lies, death, murder, polygamy, rape, prostitutes, wars, stealing, and a whole host of other nasty things.

    It's true.

    How else are we to know the results of breaking the laws if we cannot see it firsthand by God's inspired word? Yep there is incest in the human race. But God still loves us. I agree there is a lot of hypocrasy in the Bible, but nowhere in the Bible is it condoned!! I defy anyone to show where it is condoned, or where the teachings of those books condone rape, murder, stealing, adultry. They are shown to us, and it is explained to us why it is wrong.

    The Bible also teaches Love. Kindness. Charity. Hope. To serve. To know and understand the laws and why we have them as a guide to live by.

    Wisdom is one thing the Bible encourages us to seek. To seek her with faithful heart. We will find her.

    Knowledge of God is what He wants of us, not sacrifice.

    If you are serious about knowledge about how to live then I would advise this collection of books to use as a teacher.

    Now there are a lot of guides to assist you if you want because quite frankly it is a difficult thing to set your mind back four thousand years and think in that time period, or two thousand years. Guides are neccesary.

    If you want E-mail me and I will happily send you names of men and women who have written extensivly on this.

    Take care & God bless.

  6. wisdom and experience. these are not things you can do research on, they come with living. you learn how to live through experience and with expirence comes wisdom.

  7. You need to be more specific about what you're asking.  There are books to read on how to live off the land and how to live with each other and morals and ethics and etiquette.

    We learn how to live by living, by watching others live and by listening to experiences of others.  We all live differently, as different attributes are of importance for each of us.

  8. Aha - I recognise a fellow 'Ishmael' reader.

    I'm a huge fan and have read all the books several times. 'Story of B' is the next one to read - will answer many questions.

    Feel free to email me anytime for more info.

    Good luck on finding your answer!

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