
How can we be more eco friendly?

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i'm doing a editorial on how people in our country can be more eco friendly.

some think you can't be stylish with eco friendly clothing.

is there someone who would possibly let me interview them?




  1. Ecological wisdom may be more important than ecological friendliness.

    Avoiding overpopulation of any species may be as important as trying to preserve a dwindling species. No, go further, it may be the only way to preserve the dwindling species.

    We like to tread lightly on earth, and that is good, but if we have grossly upset some aspect of nature we may need to tread heavily... as when we have introduced rabbits into New Zealand and they are destroying the pasture lands , or we have introduced sheep and cattle, and failed to manage their numbers so that a whole ecosystem is in jeopardy, not because of something we are doing, but because of something that our parents or grandparents did generations ago.

    We make a lot of clothing that is mixtures of natural and man made fibres, and then we can not recycle those fabrics, We can not even separate them from fabrics that we could recycle.

    A nasty trick we play on each other, we toss beer bottles into the ditch where mowing equipment or snow removal will toss the bottles into adjacent farm land. Here a combine picks the  bottle up and puts glass shards all through our grain on the way to be made into our own bread.

    Does the ecosystem care? Or is this just us that cares?

  2. The best way to go eco friendly would be not to eliminate clothing that is stylish, but to use better methods to produce energy and use hydrogen cars, and not hybrids.

  3. Think of a species that is way to many in number and wear them with your outfits. Thin out their numbers so they won't starve.

  4. wow.... it is sad when they start teaching kids to fear life.. you know what.. just do what you normally do.. but dont waste things... just turn out the lights you are not using.. dont leave water running.. if you have earns to run.. save them up and do them all at once.. but this stupid way of thinking.. OMG OMG we have to be eco friendly... what the heck does that mean... if you read we should kill ever cow on earth.. they add more to global warming that cars do.,.. just by farting... and then what about cars.. maybe we should destroy all cars aircraft.. and power plants... stop using computers... because all these things if you follow that way of thinking add to global warming.. how far do you want to go.. you being alive to some isnt eco-friendly... kill yourself save the earth... see how dumb it can be...

    really all you have to do to be eco-freindly... is stop wasting stuff.. only order what your going to eat.. turn lights off... it isnt rocket science..

    and my last rant... it is all a lie... its just to reach in your pocket for money and more control...

  5. eco-friendly suck environmentalism is wacko global warmning is a hoax.

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