
How can we become friends?

by  |  earlier

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Today was my first day of school and in the HOTTEST guy sits next to me in social studies. And...the tables are for 2 people so its just me and him at the table. (assigned seats) I want to be friends with him and i want to be friendly to him. How can i start a conversation with a guy that i know nothing about??

and i get real tense and cant think of anything when im with a cute guy :/




  1. do you know his name yet?  maybe when you sit down, just laugh and be like "hey, whats your name?  its the second day of school and i still don't know the names of like half the people in here, haha" or something like that, ask him what grade he's in (if your classes have mixed grades)   ask him if he likes this class, if your having trouble on the work or don't get it, maybe ask him.  

  2. aww me too i get so nervous lol but u can start out by asking about his summer nd if he's joinin any sports dis year and wat type of music he likes or if hes seen any good movies recently ..

  3. talk about the weather, what you did over the weekend, your favorite flavor of ice cream, obama vs. mcain

    talk to him about anything. 99.9% of the time they won't be mean to you


  4. Small talk at first, and then talk about things out side of school.  Ask questions and let him talk.  Offer to help with homework, or like borrown pencil, offer gum.  Be extra nice

  5. talk about the class , the teacher and eventually ull find other things to talk about

  6. Start by talking about things you'll have in common: social studies, teachers etc...and everyday add a little by little be confident

    pls answer;...

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