
How can we benefit financial assistance from philippines charity sweepstakes office for kidney transplant?

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How can we benefit financial assistance from philippines charity sweepstakes office for kidney transplant?




  1. 1) obtain the certified Clinical Abstract, ask the doctor in charge of the patient, the doctor may ask you why, just tell the doctor in charge that you need it and it is required for Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) financial benefits (if you experience financial difficulties). The Clinical Abstract of the doctor in charge of the patient (you may tell the doctor what is needed to be written or printed down on the Clinical Abstract s/he will issue in case s/he is unfamiliar yet) MUST contain a) all medicine prices, hospital services and professional fees needed, with a corresponding detailed amount of each. b) the signature and license number of the doctor in charge of the patient, and if necessary, also that of a hospital official. If there are two or more doctors in charge, usually it is the one who the patient is most dependent to, or you may ask any of the doctors who will issue it for you. These are the important specifications needed for PCSO to deem the Clinical Abstract as "certified" according to their requirements. Clinical Abstract is usually free of charge, no need for any payment to obtain it or it depends, they are all different, i cannot know.

    2) Obtain the official statement of hospital billing, this contains also the entire detailed amount on how much you will pay the hospital, similar to the clinical abstract, because PCSO wants to see to it that no irregularities are written in the Clinical Abstract that is contradictory to that issued on the hospital's official billing statement thus preventing fraud. This official billing statement of the hospital also contains important and necessary signatures and/or seals to prove it genuine and valid. They will hand it out to you in person (billing inquiry from automatic machines may not be accepted by PCSO since it has no personal certification of any kind from the hospital's finance department, this also needs signatures and official seal or stamps by the hospital's finance department) and if they ask you why, also tell them it is needed for PCSO financial aid. Usually it is also free of charge, no payment may be required, or it depends on them.

    3) Obtain a Barangay Certification from your barangay captain, it is to certify that you (a relative of the patient, the representative to transact with PCSO or DSWD if you prefer) are an official resident of that barangay and that you are known in the village as lower class poor citizen (PCSO might give you a low percentage to shoulder your bill or reject you if they found out you are rich, even DSWD might not issue you the sealed letter if you are rich). If the barangay asks you why, tell him it is for PCSO financial aid. This is also free, depends if he s/he charges you a fee, i cannot know. But importantly, this financial aid we are talking about here is meant only for the financially short and unfortunate, it is unfair for the impoverished if the rich who can handle the expenses without help, asked for aid.

    4) Also include your letter to PCSO, just the usual writing a letter to someone, write it in full Tagalog language (i suppose you can), but you need to know the name of the current PCSO chairman or manager (i am not sure, i can't remember) for your letter heading then state in the body of your letter that your relative (i suppose, because PCSO doesn't accept proxies or fixers doing it for you if they found out) needs kidney transplant (this is the patients illness) and you are experiencing financial difficulties and you need help (it's up to you how you write it, just make it simple if you like).

    5) After obtaining the abovementioned, you may go to PCSO already for further instructions, there is an interview, and you have to fall in line, when you're there, just follow instructions, they will guide you there although i do not guarantee if this information i gave you is sufficient or i forgot some more requirements because i am only sharing you from my personal experience years ago, i cannot tell if it is the same today so i am not sure if this information is still useful or lacking nowadays.

    Besides PCSO, i think you can also receive financial aid from the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) at your local city hall or municipal hall (i assume every city/municipal hall has a DSWD office department in its building's vicinity). Go to its office with a Barangay Clearance or Certification (ask the employee there which one is needed) and get interviewed by a DSWD officer on duty to handle your problem. The officer will issue you a sealed letter (s/he will tell you not to open it) and you should send the sealed letter to the hospital's DSWD department office (i hope the hospital has, since some hospitals have their own DSWD office or department). Submit your sealed letter to the hospital's DSWD branch (ask them first if they are the one's to receive the letter) but the details about how they handle your problem i do not know. In PCSO, it depends how much of your bill PCSO will shoulder, you're lucky if they shoulder 80% or 100% of the amount stated on your billing statement, some receive 50% aid of the bill, some less, i do not know the factors how PCSO decides on the percentage of the bill they are going to shoulder. In DSWD (i only heard from a friend who went to DSWD for help) a friend told me that DSWD shouldered all medicines and professional (doctor's) fee and most of the remaining amount of the bill, also i was told that in DSWD, you receive a DSWD card (although i forgot what it looks like) you are also free of most payments if ever you need to check back to hospital for further cure. It's like a financial "pass", but most importantly you have to verify it on your own, other hospitals have some sort of "foundation card", those cards will give you discounts if you pass the hospital's requirements, i am only sharing you an experience years ago so i cannot tell if it is sufficient enough to help you nowadays, if there are any more requirements needed that i didn't mention, you may ask PCSO (DSWD if you prefer) or whoever employee who is there, anyways, good luck, i hope this helps,

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