
How can we better promote volunteerism in america?

by  |  earlier

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what do u think?




  1. I don't see any reason to. I believe people should put themselves before others.

  2. Simply asking questions like this is a good way to start.

    The Internet is a great place to raise awareness.

  3. We need to promote it from a young age.

    Families need to bond together and do building projects, food packaging projects, ect.

    I was once working at a volunteer food packaging place and I saw many families there with their little kids, helping out and it touched my heart that there were people who actually wanted to help the cause.

    I also think it's important to have programs at school (elementary, middle, high) where students can help out.


  4. Ironically by making it mandatory. Every kid should have to do a year or community service after high school with the option of delaying it to after college. However imagine the paperwork involved.

    Maybe just donuts will do.

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