
How can we better protect children from the advances of masculationists?

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How can we better protect children from the advances of masculationists?




  1. What does masculationist mean?

  2. someone asked the same thing...except about feminists.

    im sorry..i could see giving an answer for a question having to with a real threat, like child abusers,

    but masculists..and feminists?

    im sorry...i only see these questions for what they really are.


  3. For some reason I can't view the same question regarding feminist after I posted my answer. Did I get blocked for speaking my truth????

    You protect them by educating them that women are to be loved and not treated like animals who are supposed chained inside of their homes,punished and treated like little uneducated girls.

    And teach your boys to be educated gentlemen that are to treat  their wives with love and respect.That it doesn't hurt them to get up once in a while and fix their own plate or their wives plate and help clean the house.

  4. Thats a sexist comment you just made!

    Contruary to what some nutjob told you, not all men are steriod taking, anger issued, s*x driven, superiority complex pigs.

    Thats like stereotyping all women to be whiney, manipulative, gold digging, parasitic, backstabbers.

  5. I'm raising my daughter to be able to smell misogynist losers from 10 paces upwind. I'm not worried.

  6. I've never heard of a "masculationist."

  7. edit your question and make it clear

  8. Ive never met one and don't know anything about them so i can't tell you, do they have a radical, lunatic fringe? if so, its best to keep your kids away.

  9. Please define 'Masculationist.'

    Do you mean people who want men to be real men and not nancy-boys who don't even know how to push a lawnmower?

    If so, then I think it is good for boys to learn the manly arts.

    So it is not something to 'protect' them from.

    A better question is how do we protect society from emasculation and weakness. If it gets much worse, nobody will have a chance to protect or support themselves.

  10. I'm more worried about protecting them from people who make up silly new words.

  11. What, pray tell, is a "masculationist"?

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