
How can we better use the internet to increase participation in our democracy in the United States of America?

by Guest21243  |  earlier

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-Internet voting

-Inform citizens on national, regional, and local issues

All answers I think are correct and the purpose of this question is really intended to start a dialogue between far-minded citizens of the world.





  1. No thanks on the internet voting. It's feet on the ground or nothing.

    As far as informing citizens comrade, there is plenty of information out there. What do you want to do, pour it down their throats?

    Check in with a European site, this is the United States.

  2. you might be interested in

    or you could take a peek at the ongoing redesign at

  3. replace congress with Y!Answers

  4. We're a Republic not a democracy.

  5. Internet voting is too fraught with peril. The opportunities to commit fraud with such a voting system are legendary. Even thirteen-year olds in their parents' basements can hack into such a system. Past examples of such, involving defense systems and banking systems, are numerous.

    Informing citizens on issues is pretty much a one-way method of communications. It's also pretty demanding in a nation where less than one in five adults has ever read the Constitution, half of eligible voters aren't even registered to vote and a majority don't even know who their Member of Congress is.

    I'm sorry if I come across as cynical. But, I did seek elective office twice. The first time I was amazed to meet voters who thought the Congress met in Carson City, Nevada. This from areas of college-educated, upper middle class citizens.

    I also have to point out the current state of dialogue on the internet. It has become an orator's "soap box" for every conspiracy theorist in the world. I'm just sorry I didn't open a  chain of shops selling tin-foil hats years ago. I could have made a tidy profit.

    Your question is a good one. Unfortunately the "shoe of reality" has the ability to crush the idea into the ground.

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