
How can we convince folks that "Global Warming" does NOT mean a rise in temperature everywhere/?

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all of the time, and that it means so much else? How can we change the name so that folks don't dismiss ithe idea stating that their temperature is 13 below for the first time in years? What should it be called to gain greater understanding and acceptance?




  1. Right now the globe has some warming to do before you will convince most rational people, since global cooling just erased 15 years of warming.

  2. Firstly it's almost impossible to convince everyone that it's not just all about rising temperatures, and secondly, not everyone even believes in global warming. I think a lot of people may think that global warming is all about increasing temperatures because for the past few years a lot of the news reports are about rising temperatures.. but now everything is changing again so it becomes very hot AND very cold.. but some people are just not aware of this probably because of where they live.

    I'm not sure where you live or come from but some of these people just don't think or understand the concept that global warming isn't just about rising temperatures because of their surroundings and what they are going through at the moment.

    And in Australia there's been lots of talk of the drought - so that might be a contributing factor.

    Eventually people will come to learn that it's not just about high temperatures... but that's probably going to take a long time..

    In the mean time, HELP SAVE THE EARTH!

  3. For some, it's just a way to deny global warming.  They know it's nonsense, but use it to try to fool people.

    If that's not the case you can point out that global warming is not a blowtorch that overpowers winter cold snaps, but a slow but constant rise in AVERAGE temperature over the whole Earth, like this:

  4. you never are going to cinvincen  dont werry be happy,,im in the other side of the world and here is cold and hot  like always live you live and dont werry be happy;;

  5. I have thought about this also. But, I don't think it is necessary. I think that a lot of the population are aware of the environment and climate change but on yahoo answers there are many people trying very hard to say as often as possible that there is no such thing as global warming so it seems as though a higher percentage of the population are not aware of the issue.

      I think a larger social problem is the fact that many people have no concept of the damage that 6.7 BILLION people do to the environment. and even though they think we should do something they still drive 500 meters to the shop to get a bag of sugar. And they just hope that everybody else will do something so that their own lifestyle can stay the same.

      I have some really interesting links for you. (some movies that I hope you watch)

    (45 mins, funny and informative.)

    (60 mins. interesting)

    You have probably seen this one but the guy is just great and I really think that when the view counter hits about 2 billion the world will be a better place.

    and some websites.

    if you click on the now button then it will all 'zero'. its really cool.

    just so you know that you are not alone....

  6. Global Warming? New Data Shows Ice Is Back

    Tuesday, February 19, 2008 11:55 AM

    By: Phil Brennan Article Font Size  

    Are the world's ice caps melting because of climate change, or are the reports just a lot of scare mongering by the advocates of the global warming theory?

    Scare mongering appears to be the case, according to reports from the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) that reveal that almost all the allegedly “lost” ice has come back. A NOAA report shows that ice levels which had shrunk from 5 million square miles in January 2007 to just 1.5 million square miles in October, are almost back to their original levels.

    Moreover, a Feb. 18 report in the London Daily Express showed that there is nearly a third more ice in Antarctica than usual, challenging the global warming crusaders and buttressing arguments of skeptics who deny that the world is undergoing global warming.

    The Daily express recalls the photograph of polar bears clinging on to a melting iceberg which has been widely hailed as proof of the need to fight climate change and has been used by former Vice President Al Gore during his "Inconvenient Truth" lectures about mankind’s alleged impact on the global climate.

    Gore fails to mention that the photograph was taken in the month of August when melting is normal. Or that the polar bear population has soared in recent years.

    As winter roars in across the Northern Hemisphere, Mother Nature seems to have joined the ranks of the skeptics.

    As the Express notes, scientists are saying the northern Hemisphere has endured its coldest winter in decades, adding that snow cover across the area is at its greatest since 1966. The newspaper cites the one exception — Western Europe, which had, until the weekend when temperatures plunged to as low as -10 C in some places, been basking in unseasonably warm weather.

    Around the world, vast areas have been buried under some of the heaviest snowfalls in decades. Central and southern China, the United States, and Canada were hit hard by snowstorms. In China, snowfall was so heavy that over 100,000 houses collapsed under the weight of snow.

    Jerusalem, Damascus, Amman, and northern Saudi Arabia report the heaviest falls in years and below-zero temperatures. In Afghanistan, snow and freezing weather killed 120 people. Even Baghdad had a snowstorm, the first in the memory of most residents.

    AFP news reports icy temperatures have just swept through south China, stranding 180,000 people and leading to widespread power cuts just as the area was recovering from the worst weather in 50 years, the government said Monday. The latest cold snap has taken a severe toll in usually temperate Yunnan province, which has been struck by heavy snowfalls since Thursday, a government official from the provincial disaster relief office told AFP.

    Twelve people have died there, state Xinhua news agency reported, and four remained missing as of Saturday.

    An ongoing record-long spell of cold weather in Vietnam's northern region, which started on Jan. 14, has killed nearly 60,000 cattle, mainly bull and buffalo calves, local press reported Monday. By Feb. 17, the spell had killed a total of 59,962 cattle in the region, including 7,349 in the Ha Giang province, 6,400 in Lao Cai, and 5,571 in Bac Can province, said Hoang Kim Giao, director of the Animal Husbandry Department under the Vietnamese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, according to the Pioneer newspaper.

    In Britain the temperatures plunged to -10 C in central England, according to the Express, which reports that experts say that February could end up as one of the coldest in Britain in the past 10 years with the freezing night-time conditions expected to stay around a frigid -8 C until at least the middle of the week. And the BBC reports that a bus company's efforts to cut global warming emissions have led to services being disrupted by cold weather.

    Meanwhile Athens News reports that a raging snow storm that blanketed most of Greece over the weekend and continued into the early morning hours on Monday, plunging the country into sub-zero temperatures. The agency reported that public transport buses were at a standstill on Monday in the wider Athens area, while ships remained in ports, public services remained closed, and schools and courthouses in the more severely-stricken prefectures were also closed.

    Scores of villages, mainly on the island of Crete, and in the prefectures of Evia, Argolida, Arcadia, Lakonia, Viotia, and the Cyclades islands were snowed in.

    More than 100 villages were snowed-in on the island of Crete and temperatures in Athens dropped to -6 C before dawn, while the coldest temperatures were recorded in Kozani, Grevena, Kastoria and Florina, where they plunged to -12 C.

    If global warming gets any worse we'll all freeze to death.

    © 2008 Newsmax. All rights reserved.

  7. The NOAA just came out with a report that the ice in Antarctica is 1/3 greater than normal.

    This has been the coldest winter in decades all over the world.

    Sorry, I'm just not buying into the myth.

  8. The NOAA just came out with a report that the ice in Antarctica is 1/3 greater than normal.

    This has been the coldest winter in decades all over the world.

    Sorry, I'm just not buying into the myth.

    i was to lazy to type my own thing so i coppied kevin, he  said it all

  9. God....I was thinking the same

    thing yesterday seeing some of

    these silly questions on here...

    about "China having the coldest

    season ever" and "it's -31 degrees

    here" ....and these folks just don't

    get it!!!  How about "Global Changing"

    or "Global Dieing!!!"  Naw....the

    latter won't go over.  It's not "politically

    correct".....although it's true!

  10. Well global means something that is happening all over the world, and warming means the temperature is going up, so when you talk about global warming that is what people expect.  When that doesn't happen they tend to question the whole premise, especially when it's being promoted by some half-mad self-deluded messianic butthead.

    Perhaps you could call it something like Sophisticated Fraud Designed to Get the Rubes to Vote Socialists Into Power.  That would be more believable.

  11. I'm afraid people who don't want to believe just won't believe. And it's more enjoyable to insult "tree-huggers" than to take even a step towards saving the environment--even such a simple step as flicking a switch.

    I consider it "Global Climate Change," as it's causing unprecedented snowstorms (due to the cold produced when glaciers melt) and possibly windstorms (there have been unusual windstorms but it's uncertain whether or not they are linked to global warming) as much as it is causing heat.

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