
How can we cope up with raising inflation in India ?

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How can we cope up with raising inflation in India ?




  1. Basically inflation is a product of more imports and lesser exports. If this is our fundamental assumption then there are two ways to cope up with this scenario. You intensify the exports and minimize imports. The question will then be, how can we intensify exports and limit imports? There are several ways to do this, if your a business man then you can expand your market abroad or outside of India. If your a consumer you can alleviate this problem of inflation by patronizing all products made in India.

  2. News has just ‘flown in’ that Inflation is up to 11.63 % !! With the world heading towards recession, and oil prices booming, inflation is bound to come. RBI responded last week by raising repo rate from 8% to 8.50%. The Reserve Bank also hiked the CRR (percent of deposits of banks kept with RBI) to 8.75% from 8.25%. Read more>>

    Ways of coping up with inflation are as follows

    1. domestic production should be increased

    2. Interest rates hiked

    3. Lesser and lesser imports as they will contribute towards less account deficit(trade deficit)

    read more at below article

  3. vote for the opposition next general election. the present government is run by chinese.

  4. Be wise. Set priorities. Simple living and high thinking. Conserve where ever you can. If possible set up your own kitchen garden. Plant fruit trees especially, lemon, mango, oranges, health value. Buy in bulk and from the source, farmers for food. Wear simple in expensive but clean clothes. Where ever possible, use public transport, bicycle, moped, gasoline efficient vehicles etc. Utilise day light to finish your schedules. Always be eager to learn, meditate, develop good habits, care and forgive,

  5. we can't

    only govt has to take some actions not some but many actions

    first poor are affected then middle class then will be the upper class

    try to vote for an intelligent or experts next time

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