
How can we cure introverts?

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Isn't it shocking that despite of several cultural and scientific advancements, introverts still exist in our society?

How can we ensure that every human being on this earth becomes an extrovert? Or at least how can we ensure our future generations free from introverts?




  1. Not going to happen. It defies the laws of nature. Yin and yang, black and white, good and bad, they all only exist because of their counterpart.

  2. Your question is a joke.  Right?   If you are serious, you should consider that it is within the normal limits to be introverted.  "Cure" for introverts is insulting.  Yet, a strong reminder why introverts elect to live a more isolated existence.  I would not walk across a street to speak with a "celebrity."  Extroverts are comfortable in assuming that introverts wish to be like them.   The pronoun, "we", is an offensive and telling technical indicator of an extrovert.  I do not care about the people of New Orleans.   You should contribute your time to helping those who will accept your donations.  Why don't "we" go to a ghetto and hand out money to your friends.  Your desire to free "future generations from introverts" is noble; but, I can assure you that your concerns are not well founded.  I am a productive individual who does not emotional parasites.  Make poor people your victims.  The liberals will help promulgate regulations to help you eliminate the  undesirables. Sorry that you felt compelled to post this regrettable "question."

  3. You are really goofy, may all of your 8+ kids be introverted Atheists.

  4. "cure"? What the heck? What's next, blue eyes, blonde hair? Hm?

    Ahh..just looked through your questions..stop trolling

  5. I think this is an absolutely brilliant idea. That way everyone could be annoying all of the time!  

    Sign me up!

    P.S. - where do I go to drink the kool-aid???

  6. Diversity is a good thing. There is nothing about introverts that needs to be 'cured'.

  7. Oh god, the world would be one annoying place. We need quiet people.

  8. I hope one day medical science can "cure" annoying extroverts and ignorance.

  9. Being an introvert is not a "disease". And no you can't "cure" it.

    If this is how all extroverts act then this world is screwed.

  10. im an introvert... and i dont need to be cured....

    get over yourself....

  11. What's your problem? We don't need to be "cured". The world needs more introverts in my opinion. People are too up in each others business. Viva introversion.

  12. i honestly think you will be more extroverted if you have big muscles but I'm not sure. thats why I'm getting a workout program to build some muscles to see if it helps me. but you know people can get messed up. even the smartest people can be afraid and controlled.

  13. The personality traits are inevitable

    Just like a really extrovert individual trying to stay quiet for a few weeks.. can't and won't happen

  14. I hope this is a joke. You can't cure introversion. There is no need to cure introversion. Ugh, I wish we cure extroversion.

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