
How can we deal with a bully??

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i have a 12 year old brother that is in 7th grade... he has constanly been bullies in school and it has not only been verbal but many times it has been physical. they have hit him many times nocked him down in the locker room and just yesterday they scraped his face with a rock leaving him a scratch arond his face. my brother is kinda heavy and is shy in public. he dosent wanna tell us who the kids are because hes scared of getting bullied even more.. he has always been very vunerable and dosent know how to defend himself. he is not into sports and plays video games alot. also he has been bullying my other brother who is 11 for a while. i dont know what to do anymore and it makes me really sad to see him getting hurt. i dont want this to get outta hand can anyone give me any advise to what i can do to help my brother stop getting bullied???




  1. truthfully you can't do anything when ur getting bullied in middle school. the right thing to do is report it to the school; however, when the bullies do find out about being reported they'll beat up the kid even more plus the other kids will tease ur brother more. however, if your brother is the type who talks back and make stupid remarks when someone talks to him you should tell him to stop doing that. other than that the best thing to do is move or transfer schools cuz seriously when you think about it running away from something that is hurting you and causing you pain is easier than dealing with it and keep on living with the pain cuz it's gonna continue the rest of his jr. high school life.

  2. when you get bullied you ignore them if they are being mean and if they are like beating you up you tell the counciler and then they bully is supended and then if he does not stop you tell again and then he gets supended till he stops

  3. If this is happening in the locker room, your mother needs to call the school and let them know what is going on.   talk to the gym teacher and demand that there be adult supervision in he locker room which there should already be.

    does his school have security cameras?  if so ask the principle to review the tapes to try to figure out who is doing this to your brother.

    Go talk to the councilor your self,  let them know what is going on maybe he or she can get your brother to disclose who is doing this to him.

    Snoop around and ask people who it is that is picking on your brother. If you get any information, report it.

    Tell your brother to hang out in groups of people that away there will be witnesses or some one to go for help.  

    Maybe mom could put him in some self defense classes, this will teach him how to defend himself, build confidence, and hopeful give him a sense of power. and he will stop bullying your little brother

  4. Surely his school has a bully policy.  I should think every school does these days.  Do your parents know about what is going on?  They need to know ASAP, as does your brother's teachers and the principal.  There is no way that this behavior should be tolerated.

    teach him some anti-bully skills

    The bullying needs to stop and it needs to stop NOW.

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