
How can we decrease the disturbance to wildlife when tourists visit Antactica?

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*Without getting rid of tourism itself*

Please help!




  1. You cant! the only way is to view from space satellite!leave wildlife alone too much interference damages their ecology.

  2. Bad company, you've got to be kidding.

  3. Ameena,

    Tourism in Antartica?  Do you know of any holiday companys selling Antartic tours?  Which hotel chain has buildings in Antartica?  Does Antartica have an international airport?  Are any port authorities or shipping lines going to invest in a sea port?  The answer to all of those is NO!  South Pole wildlife are going to be just fine.


  4. Obviously 'badcompany' is living a very secluded life and does not read the news. The tourist are being taken there by cruise ships, one of which sank a couple of months ago, leaking out oil and fuel. There have been tourist going down that way for a few years and have already affected the environment on 'Desception Island' (which is actualy an extict volano and ex British scientific base). What the International Community needs to do is make sure that 1) the ships going down there are built for those conditions (ie ice fields etc), 2) limit the amount of ships going there by issueing permits. This area is an Internationaly run area, so it needs everyone to adopt the same rules for visiting /issueing the permits. It has worked on the Galapagos Islands, so should work here, as we do not want these cruise ships to run into something and spill 100's tonnes of fuel oil into the sea killing off the Kryle and other food sources.

  5. I would'nt be too worried about the tourism around Antarctica. It is mostly ecotourism. The kind of people likely to go there are already thinking about the environment and hopefully they will come back commited to preserving it.

  6. People have to be respectful of mother nature when they visit anywhere, this means, throwing trash away in appropriate containers, recycling when possible, not feeding the animals, not touching the animals, not catching the animals, not HUNTING the animals. And most importantly remembering that we are guests in THEIR home.

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