
How can we do this to our animals?

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The World Isn’t Right

Every year in the US alone, 45 million animals such as cows, chickens, pigs, and fish are slaughtered. Because of us liking to eat meat, we have to kill these beautiful and innocent animals. It is very cruel, sad to see that 45 million animals are dead each year. One day cows, chickens, pigs and fish will be extinct. Can’t the US do anything? Doesn’t the news or government have the power? Or at least say something? I might be weird to say this, but if it was you to be killed alive it would hurt. Please, if you have time, take a look at the videos below.

Warning: The videos contain blood from animals. Just saying because I don’t want it to be surprising to you. I know that I’ve sent one other email to you, and im sorry for any reason of the interruption but this has got to stop.

Look at these videos please:

Thank you for your time.




  1. Survival of the fittest baby.

  2. These animals are never going to go extinct. They're too economically important to let that happen. Farmers breed livestock to ensure a plentiful supply. Also, it's not just a matter of people "liking to eat meat." Our bodies are designed to need animal protein. Humans are animals that eat other animals, that's just a biological necessity. Lions and wolves aren't vegetarians, why should people be?

  3. I am quite sure that cows and chickens will never be extinct.

  4. I refuse to watch those videos, I'll get too upset.  But humans *are* omnivores, like it or not... It's upsetting, that's for sure - but you don't have to cut meat out entirely.  You could buy organic, free-range meat (er, animals that live a healthy, happy life and aren't fed anti-biotics and other various nonsense) which a) supports those people who do raise their livestock naturally and b) allows you to still get the nutrients your body likes from the meats without the guilt.  Don't get me wrong, I'm 100% on your side - I wish the government had stricter standards, but they don't.  Those are just some alternatives.  

  5. I too have thought of this but I want you to think of this. Imagine everyone suddenly becoming a vegan. Wonderful right? We let all the animals we had raised to eat go free in the wild. But what would happen to them? The cows would most likely be hit by cars and other vehicals, those that survived would breed and over populate (youve heard of bunnies, cows are just as bad) The chickens would be quickly eaten by large preditory animals seeing as they're too stupid to run. The fish would cause an ecosystem unbalance causeing many other fish to die and water to become polluted. Finall all these animals have probaly never been outside the entire winter if nothing else they would probaly all be killed by the winter snow and lack of food.

    So yes killing animals is horrible but compered to the chaos that would occur otherwise it could be worse.

    PS and no they will not go extinct we do breed the animals we eat.

  6. i personally hate slaughter. every time i eat meat i sometimes want to cry. i do believe that it comes natural to us because that was the only food supplies the early man had, and was passed on from generation to generation. but as a animal lover it dose kill me to see how people are so curl to these animals. ive tried to go vegan but it was hard with out meat. so call me curl if you want to but you just got my honest opinion.    

  7. Just think of it in another way, the more cows and chickens that are slaughtered, the less flatulence gets into the atmosphere and we solve global warming and feed our bellys at the same time.

  8. A couple things to point out...

    1) This seemed more like a rant than a question.

    2) Those 45 million animals were bred specifically to be slaughtered. It is not as if they were free roam animals that were abducted. Just for your information.

    3) Cows, chickens, and pigs will not go extinct as a result of us eating them, because we allow them adequate time to breed and reproduce. Once again, it is not as though there is a fixed 200 million cow supply that will run out, they have babies like we do.

    4) Not enough people care for the government or media to do anything. Just like not enough people are offended by wearing baseball hats to make cities bann them.

  9. Because we like flesh and it is part of a humans diet, we kill animals to eat them. Stop being so sympathetic with animals who are raised to feed humans. It's very natural actually.

  10. I love animals, I truly do. But I eat meat. It's how I grew up, and it is a part of a healthy diet. Humans have always eaten meat, if it wasn't natural, it never would have happened.

    Animals used for meat will not become extinct, they are bred on farms to meet demand.

    There is a food shortage as it is. Do you really want to stop the production of meat?

  11. True... man wouldn't let cows become extinct.

    But OMG re: videos.

    I think the point is more the way of killing rather than fact being killed.

    That was absolutely horrible.

    I wish for rapid humane method more.

    People wonder why racism exists - this is one reason why I think... different levels of heart.

    Those vids horrible!

  12. Actually India does eat cows...just not cows from India, they will eat beef from the US because in their beliefs only the cows in India are reincarnated people

  13. Tree hugger.

  14. ew.

  15. I don't agree with how we kill the animals I truly believe that we need to find more humane ways because we will always kill to eat.  I'll admit I do love to eat meat but I don't like how they do it.

  16. OMG! that's bad..

    report to the SPCA animals abuse.

    hope these kind of actions have to stop right away.

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