
How can we feed all these people on Earth and take care of them, while not doing anything about limiting the #

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How can we feed all these people on Earth and take care of them, while not doing anything about limiting the #




  1. All those who are not disabled or too young would have to work and not live their lives on welfare, or the system would be a start

  2. GM food's have been signed of as safe for human consumption but they scare some people but they don't realize that most food today are GM to some degree, well actually for the past 100 years or so they have existed.

    Farmers have cross pollinated plants for Hundreds of years and these plants are common in our diets today, such foods are Bananas, wheat, and corn, and a silk worm has been spliced with a jellyfish in Japan and bread to help fight cancer, to name a few. and no one shouts about all the new breads of flower being created each year.

    people are scared because these new GM foods, are done in a lab, instead of by hand, which makes no difference as it would just take a few years for the edible variety to be created, but we can do this now instead of having to wait a few generations of plant to get the results we need.

  3. first off... who are we to deny people the right to reproduce and deny those unborn the right to life just so those living now can live gluttonously

    why not just expand into space and start creating greenhouse zones on for instance the moon to grow our food supplies and import it back to earth... sure it'll be costly but I put life above money any day

  4. Work toward zero population growth. Going back to more of an agrarian society, which just may be on its way to happening if this gas crisis isn't settled soon or has a band-aid put on it. ;-)

  5. We can't. First, we simply do not have the natural resources to support an unlimited population. Mother nature will and does intervene....

  6. I agree with Amanda.

  7. We won't even be able to feed ourselves in due time if things continue.

    We're no different in this respect from any animal population that's out of control. But we're still operating out of the middle ages, when wolves ate children and peasants lived only to age 40. Now, to top it off, we study how to extend our lives into centuries.

    The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse used to control populations, until modern science seemed to conquer disease and hunger. These probably will return, including famine and pestilence.

  8. we can't. nobody wants to say it, but putting limits on the amount of children people can have is the only real solution.

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