
How can we full embrace compassion?

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How can we full embrace compassion?




  1. we embrace compassion by also embracing mercy. Both exist although it is sometimes difficult to find them.  

  2. P.75 - §9 The ministry of the Eternal Son is devoted to the revelation of the God of love to the universe of universes. This divine Son is not engaged in the ignoble task of trying to persuade his gracious Father to love his lowly creatures and to show mercy to the wrongdoers of time. How wrong to envisage the Eternal Son as appealing to the Universal Father to show mercy to his lowly creatures on the material worlds of space! Such concepts of God are crude and grotesque. Rather should you realize that all the merciful ministrations of the Sons of God are a direct revelation of the Father's heart of universal love and infinite compassion. The Father's love is the real and eternal source of the Son's mercy.

    How can a loving child not be like the Father?

  3. That phrase 'walk a mile in their shoes' is good advice  and as we  have the ability to empathise this works even as a metaphor.  

  4. The reason its hard to forgive people is because we lack sympathy in others thers 4 billion people on this earth and we all have one thing in common we have problems money,health,kids,marriage,love ect we want poeple to understand us to truly understand is to truly sympathies in hes or her case and thats the true meaning of compassion

  5. Do what I did - I became a Buddhist

  6. Try to understand a certain human (like why should he/she have to be deserved your compassion).

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