
How can we get 3 year old to nap without drama?

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Its always a battle... soon as its naptime he becomes the most uncoperative kid on earth but is really tired so... that doesn't help... but he just doesn't ever want to go down for a nap without a huge battle about it and its very draining.




  1. What about a ride in the car?

  2. One i would make sure that 'nap time' is the same time every day.  Children thrive on schedules.  I think Blue had a good idea with the quiet time/books.  I also tell my daughter that we cant do fun things till after she has had her nap.  Good Luck

  3. We have quiet time for our 3 year old. He has to do something quiet while his sister is napping after lunch. About 1/2 the time he fall asleep, if he doesn't then it is probably because he doesn't need the nap that day.

    In my opinion even if he is outgrowing naps a set time of the day reserved for quiet time is always a good idea, for you and your child. I know I need that hour or so to recoup for the afternoon.

    Good Luck


  4. sometimes they don't need to take naps anymore. it was always hard to put kids down for naps at that age because their starting to get old enough to stop taking naps. but i imagine if you get the child to be really energetic before hand (s)he will get tired and be less fussy to taking a nap.

  5. Its a little sneaky but try this ( it worked for me). I told our child (age 3) that he did not have to take a nap anymore but that big kids would take a quiet time in the afternoon. So he had to stay on his bed and look at books quietly. He would go and do it with no problems and while looking at books he would fall asleep almost every day.

  6. warm milk or turkey (1 slice of lunchmeat)

  7. I lay down with my 3 year old son everyday till he falls asleep. Maybe ur child just doesnt like the thought of not being right with u. Hope this helps!!

  8. what you need to do is take him in your arms and rock him or lay with him and watch tv until he falls asleep. Put a disney movie on for him.

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