
How can we get more happiness in our life?

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How can we get more happiness in our life?




  1. Happiness is not something you get, it is something you have on the inside of you.  I think we all have the potential to be happy, but some people choose to live miserable, hateful existences.  If you are currently not happy it sounds like you need to do a little soul searching, and thinking about your life and what really makes you excited.  What do you like to do everyday?  And actually, you do not have to have something you like to do, to be happy. You can be happy just because you are alive, because you are healthy, and have a family that loves you.  You also must start believing in yourself! You are special in your own way, and you need to discover what that means to you.  

    Thanks for reading!

  2. happiness is achieved with purpose.  if you don't have a sense of purpose, then life is a waste of time.

    Purpose can be as simple as knowing God and what his purpose is for his people.

  3. Don't ask for happiness, then it will always be with you

  4. think about your sorrows. if you dont have any. then you should be happy for. its a big happiness

  5. you can do what that guy said or you can do marijuana.

  6. You make it.

    Really ... it is that simple and that easy. If you want to be happy and you want to get more happiness then: "you make it"!

    You can't pick it up off the street, and you can't pick it off a fruit tree, nor can you pickpocket it from someone else. You cannot sit and wait for it to come by, nor can you expect someone else to bring it to you.

    Happiness you make for yourself.



    Now go out into the big wide blue jewel of a planet we live on and make some happiness for yourself. Trust me ... you'll be happy about it.

  7. Happiness is like a butterfly

    the more you chase it, the more it cludes you

    But if you turn your attention to other things

    it comes and sits softly on your shoulder

  8. be good....and be you......happiness is just around the corner......

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