
How can we get rid of the corruption in the government?

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Is there a chance for a real christians to have post in the government to minimize corruption?




  1. Well for six years we all three branches of government being run by a group claiming to be Christians.  Not sure how they can claim that since they proved themselves morally bankrupt and devoid of any ethics.

  2. There is a saying,"if the people lead the leaders will follow." One of the greatest reasons for corruption is the enabling attitude of apathy and complacency. If you want change you must be willing to fight for it.

    I however believe American's take their freedoms way too much for granted. They don't know what it is like to be truly oppressed. Sure there is corruption but yet America is so rich and still possessing a relative degree of liberty that its people have been lulled into a false sense of security.

    What did it take in countries like "Myanmar", who is listed as on of the top two most corrupt nations in the world along with Sudan, for the people to stand up?

    Well frankly it came down to survival. While the generals that rule the country lie fat off of its riches 90 percent of the people live off of less than $1 a day. That pretty much would get you a card board box and a few packages of Ramen Noodles, and that about it. So when the gas prices rose up to 5 times the norm people rose in mass.

    Unfortunately the military was allowed to entrench itself. I wonder if the people of Burma and the world stood up earlier a real difference could of been made. I tend to believe so.

    So in part the answer to your question is to take care of corruption before it gets next to impossible to weed it out. But then again that means two things, that people must be willing to first give two hoots and second that they be willing to work hard to fight against such injustices.  

    I don't know. Can you see Americans as a whole trying hard to fight corruption anytime soon? But then again your question could have an international applicability to it.

    Also I don't think Christian or not has too much to do with it. There are corrupt Christians as well as less corrupt Christians. Any even if some were sincere some of their ideas may inadvertently cause suffering.

    Besides don't you think by "Christianities" own account of human nature being fallen that they too would be subject to this temporal law? As the Apostle Paul has said, If we say we are without sin the truth is not within us.

  3. I believe you can try to come up with all kinds of really nice flowery  answers to this but the bottom line is as along as there are people, there will be corruption, this world has been corrupt since day one.  

    The only way to curb it would be to provide punishment to those who decide to break the law, consequences are the only real solution to slow corruption down.

    We are all human beings whether we call ourselves Christian,muslim,jew and we have all fallen or will all fail at one time or another.

  4. If you can come up with a method of ridding corruption in government, you can name your own ticket to anything you wish.

    Government= corruption, forever amen

  5. true campaign reform is the first step pass these on to your legislator

    1. u can only donate to people u can vote for

    2. no pac's, corporate, lobbyist, or foreign donations

    3. must be us citizen to vote

    4. unlimited donations but public list of the donors and how much they have given

    5. 6 month campaign cycle

    6. no matching federal funds

    7. no donations to political parties, the politicians can give a part of there raised funds to their own parties ( cause you cant vote for parties, but for people.)

  6. Sorry but the Christian (Catholic) Church almost invented corruption as we know it.  If you think that Protestantism was about religious doctrine, you need to read some more history books.  It was a reaction to the Church running roughshod over every aspect of society.  

    Do think Jefferson and Co.  thought separation of Church and State was a good idea because they were atheist?  No, it was because they knew that few things infuse corruption into a political system quite like religion.

    Mark A is right--the corruption isn't going anywhere, but the answer you're looking for is "honest" people, not "Christian" people.  Good luck on that...

  7. You can try praying for a miracle.  That is what it would take to get rid of corruption.

  8. I don't know which country you are from, but I can tell you that having politicians who profess to be Christians does not in any way lessen corruption in the U.S. government.

  9. Government will always be corrupt; it's human nature to exploit power.  Also, that "real Christians" notion is pretty bogus.  Just as soon as your "real Christian" gets busted doing something sleazy, you say he wasn't a "real Christian".  And another thing--I'm not a Christian, and I don't want to live in a theocracy, and the USA is already too theocratic for my tastes to begin with.

  10. I think the best way is to get the name of the corrupt person. Then hire a spam company to send a picture of the person, his crimes, and his address across the world wide web to all persons who would know him. Make sure all his coworkers, his neighbors, his community members, high school and college classmates and others get the info. He should take his own life pretty quickly and few others would want the same to happen to them.

    Now to find a spam company?

  11. YOU can't

    Greed and hunger for power will never be gotten rid of, Being Christan doesn't exempt a person from being greedy or power hungry. You pulled the religious card because you have no facts or reason behind your point of view.

  12. As long as we have people voting the party line no matter who the person is that they are voting for we will have corrupt people in government.   The only term limit that we have is the vote so lets stop putting the same people in office over and over again. We the voters are our own worst enemy because we are greedy and we keep putting the same people in so that they can bring home the pork. It's the old saying "I know he is a crook but he is our crook.

  13. Stop paying income taxes is not the way because your employer takes what he or she is told to take from you by the IRS.

    You would have to quit work and just about everyone else too.

    I say make your next vote count by make the runner sign a pledge to resign their post if they are caught stealing or borrowing as they say from us without our permission.

  14. three words





    the non taxpaying territorial vote grant

    the jefferson bribery scandal.

    we have no choice but to raise taxes

    the ridiculous stunting in syria

    36000 carded requests for pork spending on the defense bill without debate authored by pelosi....

    i dont need a roadmap if you get my point.

  15. I'm unsure what Christianity has to do with inciting or abating corruption.

    I think the way to minimize corruption is communication, openness, and non-bureaucratic oversight. Apathy has allowed cronyism and the upper crust of business interest to gain control.

  16. No ,,to the second answer  I think we can mimnaize it

    And it has nothing to do with Religion . We can all get together  and boycott ,march, stop voting all together would be a great way saying we don't believe in our Gov, Or Just everyone.

    DON'T PAY A DIME IN TAX 's NEXT YR UNTIL WE GET THE corruption out of our government,or at least most of it !!

    We must do something to be heard, that everyone can participate in  

    Do you what havoc it would play if no one filed income tax's?

    I mean it we must band together to be heard , if not they will run us to the ground and kill more of our boys over seas fighting Bush's war,


    What are they going to do arrest a billion people ?their computers will be so messed up . and they would be also ,, if ever

  17. Christians are just as corrupt.

    Corruption is everywhere.

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