
How can we go about filing for child support, my boyfriend wants to start paying.

by  |  earlier

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He has 3 kids with one woman. And they haven't been together for about a year, he takes care of his kids whenever she lets him see them. She is a very selfish female & we are getting tired of her sh*$. Everytime she gets mad she threatens to take him to court etc. etc. then she calms down & she is fine. So we want to file for him to pay child support & to have every other weekend with the kids. How can we go about that?




  1. Best thing to do would be to get a lawyer.  Look around, there's some that have free consultations and can advise you a bit from there.  But, it's always best to get a lawyer in those situations.

  2. stay out of the court system as long as you can, they normally see a father as nothing more than a wallet and once you get them involved they will stick their   noses in your business every single chance they get. She can make up allegations of non-payment and then have him arrested at her liesure i have sen it happen to several people i know personally.

  3. He can file a paternity or visitation petition in whatever the appropriate court is. Normally you do not file a request for an order to pay child support, although his petition can probably ask the court to determine the proper support amount. He should get a lawyer, since the mother appears to be erratic, if what you say is true.

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