
How can we help American families?

by Guest60255  |  earlier

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In the White House, Hillary will continue her lifelong work to create a world where every child is cherished, loved, and able to fulfill his or her potential.

Among the issues she has fought for and will make a priority as president are:

* Attracting and supporting more outstanding teachers and principals, and paying them like the professionals they are.

* Reforming the No Child Left Behind Act. This law represented a promise -- more resources for schools in exchange for more accountability -- and that promise has not been kept.

* Giving new parents support and training to promote healthy development for their children.

* Increasing access to high-quality early education and helping to create Early Head Start.

* Passing legislation to provide respite care for caregivers of elderly and disabled Americans.

* Helping to pass the Family and Medical Leave Act to enable new parents to take time off without losing their jobs.




  1. As a sales guy, I'm truly appreciative of Guerilla Marketing techniques.

    However, this isn't a way to run a political campaign.

  2. I agree that these are issues that she champions, but the problem is that NONE of them are good for families.....none.

    If she was truly worried about the education of our children, she would

    Support tax credits for parents sending their children to private schools

    Work to get rid of teachers unions(the biggest threat to the future of the U.S.)

    Reduce federal funding(thus control) of public education

    If she cared about the heath of the citizens she would

    Privatize all medicare/medicade, and eliminate all taxes for same

    The family and medical leave act was designed to reduce the productivity of the American workforce, thus enabling the government to step in.

    In short the best vehicle for ensuring that every child is cherished, loved, and able to fulfill his or her potential is to make sure the government never gets their incompetent paws on them.

    The truth is that Hillary doesn't give a d**n about children, she is a socialist plain and simple. There is no compassion in socialism, it impedes the ability for one to reach their potential. Struggle and hardship are the best motivators for one to improve their lot in life.

  3. Nice issues, but I do not believe for a moment Hillary would do any of them.

    Her record shows she talks alot but walks never.

  4. And then would you explain to me how killing 30 million people because they are too young to defend themselves helps famalies?  Thanks to Hillary and her pro choice position many people can not even adopt because all the babies have been killed.  

    She isnt pro family..she is pro death and pro fraud. Even her own campaign manager is a fraud. She says she did not know.  Is she going to "dont ask dont tell" that the rest of her future cabinet is also frauds?

  5. If you want to help American families, donate your own time and money to them and don't rob my time and money to support a leech.

  6. You must be a teacher. Here is better list.

  7. Go Hillary!  I'm convinced!

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