
How can we help decrease global warming?

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Hope everybody will cooperate in this problem of the human species and just pray that nothing bad will happen to us.




  1. We have to elect a democrat...

    Now 900 students in China die because of an earthquake caused by global warming

  2. Reduce polution (everybody) maximum you can,              every person could think&reduce polution.

    Control population is most important (becouse if increase population will increase  neccesity,and also increase polution.

  3. Considering that 94% of all green house gases are natural made, there isn't a whole bunch that we can do to reduce this warming trend.

    I agree that reducing your carbon footprint is good by reducing electrical usage, recycling, and driving smaller cars or using mass transportation.

  4. The power of the government and  the people can change the face  of global warming upside down.people really have to think about the future and according to it and if they don't ,everything in the world is going to be changed forever and we cannot bring it back ,when we want it.So without acting at the last moment,try to act against the global warming as soon as possible.

    Youngsters like us has to be aware of global warming and spread the message to the world to reduce pollution.

    We can reduce global warming by spreading the awarness of global warming.

  5. We need to stop generating heat on the surface of the planet with each building and development. It is thought we don't generate heat on the surface of the planet and that the warming is coming from heat trapping gases.

    Why are we worried about heat trapping gases while we generate atmospheric heat close to boiling temperature on the surface of the planet and treat the heat symptoms with more emissions?

    Global warming by man means there is an unnatural heat source. The argument exists because no one could see it.

    Go to the following link to see a summary of the most advanced temperature imaging in the world showing solar radiation scorching the surface of the planet. The same UV that burns our skin is in effect burning buildings and generating heat the buildings aren't designed or insulated for.

    Plant a tree or use functional landscaping to provide shade and ground cover.

    Don't strip the earth of everything living to put up a building with absorbent exterior finishes.

    Use lighter colored paints and finishes so buildings don't generate heat with solar exposure.

    We have a 100% toxicity in newborns associated with the emissions so you need to do this for our children or they will not thrive or survive. Go to and scroll down to the picture of the fetus where you can link to the study on polluted newborns. Go and see how a baby gets mercury, fossil fuel emissions, fire retardents, etc inside them before they take their first breath.

  6. We can decrase global warming by avoiding deforestration which leads to increase in CO2 in atmosphere.

  7. We may contribute to this end by keeping pollution level low by planting more and more trees and other such measures

  8. By planting infinity trees

  9. we can't. that is unless you have found a way to alter the earth's natural processes. human's have nothing to do with causing global warming. once you find a way to alter nature's natural processes, let me know. right now the only one who can do that is God.

  10. Global warming can be decreased when humans stop interfearing in nature.

    If we make the minimum use of resources

    If we recycle things

    If we pay more attention in creating the green world by growing more trees

    If we learn to save water, electricity, etc...

    If we obay and follow the law

    We can decrease global worming.

  11. Buy cars (specially the giant ones) only if you need them  & travel  by cars only if necessary .Use public transport to the

    maximum.Use bicycles for short trips.The above steps will

    reduce pollution and the global thirst for oil....

  12. play naked

  13. Embrace socialism.

    Cooperation is not necessary.

  14. recycle, consume less energy, try to reduce your use of cars and planes, plant trees, use only as much water as you need and try to keep up with the latest green technologies.

  15. We can help decrease global warming by putting the polution level low.

    There are many ways to help decrease the chances of global warming:

    - recycle plastics, papers and etc.

    - putting the garbage properly in the garbage bin,

      you can put garbage in a compost pit.

    - Avoid Smoking (you will only get bad results when you smoke)

    - And Many, Many More!

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