
How can we help prevent crime in America?

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  1. In my opinion , I believe it stems from a lack of education. I grew up in a shady neighborhood with crime (violence,drugs).

    I have worked very hard and am working on my own education. I have overcome most of the pitfalls of poverty.

    I think if there was easier ways or better ways to educate, the whole country would benefit. What are you doing a paper or something?

  2. What a bunch of bull these people are full of!

    Crime prevention, arrests, and conviction (and incarceration) are a big business in America. Policies today do nothing to prevent crime, nor does sentencing; they protect jobs. Keep the poverty-stricken under the heel of the Gov't and you make them provide jobs by getting arrested for committing crimes because they can't figure out how to legitimately work the system. Lock em all up! Pay some fat bully $40 an hour to watch them and the streets will be safe....yeah, right.

      Oh, and the death penalty. Your God says 'thou shalt not kill' but just because the Gov't does it for you doesn't mean the blood is not on your hands.

  3. safm3htr 321rv0=r- r32rblahblach

  4. Parents need to start when their children are still in their diapers to teach them right from wrong.

  5. Lock everybody up.

  6. Toughen the sentences for serious crimes.  Use the death penalty more often and carry it out more quickly for murder, rape, child abuse, and the most offensive crimes.  Also make prison sentences longer.  In the early 1970's the term "Law Enforcement" changed to"Criminal Justice."  Enough said.....

  7. Just improve youself, because Gandhi had said that if you want to prevent crime, first you have to prevent crime yourself. =)

  8. Buy everyone a ps3 on release date!

  9. Criminals prey on the weak.  They don't like it when the victims fight back.  Hence, if the anti-crime education campaign said "Prepare yourself and after you take the criminal down call the Police" instead of "do what the criminal wants" crime would become a riskier business and fewer would take up the profession.

    So, join the movement.  FIGHT back against criminals.  Then call the police who are there to arrest criminals after the fact rather than prevent crimes from occuring.

    War on Terror Blog:

  10. As far as I know in this country every time there's been a place that passed a law REQUIRING gun ownership the crime rate has dropped to near zero. It seems that when we have the RIGHT and the means to defend our own lives and property instead of depending on police, who's focus is on revenue generating difficulties like traffic control and domestic violence, (Going after thieves and burglars doesn't bring much revenue but it costs money to investigate and prosecute.) we're much better off.

    Statistics show that the vast majority of gun crime is perpetrated with illegally posesed guns.

  11. Duels.  Not with guns, but, with gloves.  An old fashioned slapping duel should stop crime in America.  Also, all citizens of this fair land should be entitled to a carton of chocolate milk or 2% milk, a cot, a story, and a nap each day.  That should stop crime

  12. arm EVERY citizen and train them how to use their weapon of choice..I am a big fan of the works out to 1400 yards with little recoil

  13. First secure the border and deport illegal criminals. There are over 500,000 illegals in US prisons.

  14. 22 caliber bullets are bout-20 cents apiece we use 32-cal. on a fat-thick-skull-cow .

    i think it's cheaper than the 50-plus thousand-per head a year to support and keep em in cheap? housing just so theyr'e released in a couple'a months to go and do it all over again ??? you got to admit some of these law's need to be rewritten and give the real people the guns i can guarantee crime would come to a bare min. if they know what to expect !! bet those kid's will think twice if at all.

  15. If you want to reduce violent crime there are two things that would help very easily. First of all, increase the jail time for those convicted of violent crime. Secondly, back off of the gun control laws. If every person bent on violent crime had to worry about being shot, there would be far less violent crime. I have pointed out in a couple of other answers, that Florida enabled carrying concealed guns in the 90's. Within six months of that law taking effect, sexual assault on women dropped by more than 90%. Sexual predators now had to think about the fact that the woman that they were going to rape might have a gun. When England outlawed most guns, "hot" crimes went up by more than 200%. A hot crime is when a criminal breaks into a house when the owners are home.

    A third way to deal with crime, is to decriminalize many acts. It is hard to live a "normal" life with out breaking letter of the law(s).

    Parents actualy taking responsability for raising their children would help greatly, as would improving our education system by getting the Federal government out of it.

    This is a many faceted question, that no one has the complete answer, But I feel that just the steps that I mentioned would help out greatly.

    And I do not own a gun.

  16. Gotta be tough on crime.  But there is only so much the govt can do without breaching privacy.  Why do I say that?  Because many parents give their kids drugs and alcohol.  They teach them to basically do whatever they want.  Now, I am not blaming crime on the parents, however, good parenting usually results in decent kids.

  17. Encourage law abiding citizens to carry guns and have seminars on how to properly use them. Once the criminals start getting shot in the commission of their crimes they will back off.

  18. Make everyone who owns a gun shoot another person who also owns a gun so leaving only non gun owners who are likely to be the most law abiding members of the population.

  19. education has been shown to be the single biggest determining factor for reducing crime.

    ironically enough, it's actually pre-school that has the effect.

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