
How can we help the homeless in Columbia s.c.?

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How can we help the homeless in Columbia s.c.?




  1. Respect their dignity as a human being.  Avoid thinking of poorly of individuals you don't know.  Assume they are intelligent (many are older than you and have survived).  Go with them to where you suggest they go.  

    Homeless are traumatized refugees, today only.  When they get better, tomorrow, they are wonderful human beings just like you.

    Yes, many are responsible for their current situation.  They are to blame.  Now that we have that cleared up, move on.  Don't beat them up forever.  We all learn from our mistakes, the lucky ones get another chance.  We all deserve another chance to get it right.

  2. Contribute money to the shelter, and it's tax deductible.  Get a receipt.  Volunteer to work at a shelter.  Ask the shelter what they need, i.e. bed linen, etc.

  3. give them a place to stay. Boy, that was easy.

  4. Have you ever seen those stupid reality shows, where you could win some crazy amount of money like $25,000 or $50, why can't they donate that money to homeless shelters and things like that??? Or those really lame shows that go and fix middle-class people's NICE homes....they shouldn't do that c**p. They should put it towards helping the HOMELESS in America!!!!!!

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