
How can we increase the number of appropriate posts in the special education section?

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YA posted the following today: "Who cares about categories? We do – and so should you...Correctly categorized questions are a timesaver...It’s not always easy to find the perfect place to put your question so an occasional mismatch won’t earn you a violation. However, if it happens over and over again ...then they’ll report you...and a violation could be coming your way.";_ylt=AjyUOzrFensPH6ELHtjEAujpy6IX?p=33881




  1. I absolutely agree that something should be done about the questions posted here.  I'll bet that if you deleted all the inappropriate questions there would be maybe one page of real sped questions.

    Maybe inappropriate questions should be reported and then deleted from the category and an automated email can be sent to the asker explaining what sped is and how to choose a category.

  2. Yes, I do hate answering questions that are in the wrong category.  Usually make a statement in my answer that this is the wrong category.  Once I answered a question about the TV showThe Hill in the Travel Orlando section.  I do wish that the person who asked the question put in the correct category.  Maybe Yahoo can delay the asked questions a day or two to verify the question is in the correct catagory and if not send a email to tell the user needs to change the catagory or the the question won't be approved, also for ones that ask multiple times the same question.

  3. Though I'm fairly new to "Answers," I  believe inappropriate questions shouldn't be answered at all, and should be reported asap.

  4. From a behavior analysis standpoint, not answering the posts would be a big help. Another way is to politely tell the person where to post his or her question.

    Fortunately, this is an international board, so many people don't really know what special education means, so getting these questions is inevitable. Heck, there are many Americans who post in the wrong category.

    Since this is a public board, I don't see anything changing. You may want to join a different forum that relates specifically to special education. I am sure you can find some by searching the 'Net. It will save you time and irritation.

    Personally, I don't mind. I am so excited about the fact that other countries are trying to share, that I forgive them.

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