
How can we know for sure what happens to us when we die should we have a belief that we live on or reincarnate

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How can we know for sure what happens to us when we die should we have a belief that we live on or reincarnate




  1. The ONLY thing you can be sure of, is that after you die, your body starts to rot. Everything else is supposition.

  2. ask Pascal . . . . but I bet you won't bother

  3. We will know for sure when we die. That is certain. No belief, even if true, can compare with the reality. It is like trying to imagine what lies beyond the horizon, having never left your island, when you know that one day you will have to leave your island.

  4. There is no way to know for sure except to die. You know Faith is the belief in something that can't be known for sure or proven.

  5. Live on in heaven

  6. you can belief whatever gives you peace of mind to deal with death, but when you find out what happens it will be to late

  7. well I belive you die and become dust, but whatever

  8. If we can resucitate someone after a full day of death I think that would prove what happens to the mind after death.  Currently we have only been successful after a few minutes.  A few minutes of nothingness can be explained as "the person wasn't dead dead......"  Or a positive experience can be explained as "the brains lack of oxygen sending impulses and audiovisual hallucinations"

    Now after a full day of death, I would think that we could test things better...... if the person had a full day of experiences it could hardly be ruled out as brain trauma creating hallucinations, as the brain would have stopped sending signals for a full 24 hrs.  If nothing is experienced it would be more difficult to argue that a full day of death is not really dead.  How long must it be then, a week, a month, a year..... must your entire body whither to dust before "true" death is announced.  

    If this were to occur (I would say its impossible but you never know) then their would still be many who use the same arguments against each position..... however it would be a much harder argument to make.  The findings would be much more accurate and useful then the current near death states people recover from...... which are so brief as to be unreliable as an area of study and which make both arguments for and against equally justified in nullifying witness testimony for and against NDE.

    Then again, if we resuccitate a body that was dead for a full day that would be really really creepy.  I would be preparing for the zombie invasion if that were to happen.

  9. If an animal ate human flesh, it became a fetish, reincarnation.

    The undue concentration on self led certainly to a fear of the nonevolutionary perpetuation of self in an endless round of successive incarnations as man, beast, or weeds, reincarnation.

    There was, throughout all ancient regions, a lingering belief in reincarnation.

    Morden man should not acept the un aceptable.

    Life is about love, faith, progression to perfection through the belief in a loving creator. The teachings of the Brotherhood of man founded on the Fatherhood of God.

    Consider this from the Urantia papers;

                      "P.953 - §5 The ancient race was especially given to belief in transmigration and reincarnation. This idea of reincarnation originated in the observance of hereditary and trait resemblance of offspring to ancestors. The custom of naming children after grandparents and other ancestors was due to belief in reincarnation. Some later-day races believed that man died from three to seven times. This belief (residual from the teachings of Adam about the next worlds), and many other remnants of revealed religion, can be found among the otherwise absurd doctrines of twentieth-century" troubled thinking.

    We can know for sure what happens to those of faith after death. Study what happened to Jesus and you will understand what we have to look forward to as well, He did return in another spirit form, one which we to will have after death.

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