
How can we know if we have spiritually progressed?

by Guest31737  |  earlier

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Is some kind of a electronic measuring device available?

Just curious........




  1. You can see for yourself. For instance, Are you willing to help others? Are you willing to help those who don't deserve the help? Are you happier?  Do you feel upset when someone you don't like is in trouble?

  2. a few basic signs of spiritual progress may be-:

    -- deeper peace, contentment (or bliss in few cases)

    -- rise in spiritual inclination ; restlessness and peacelessness when you dont pursue your spiritual activities properly

    --decrease in ego, thoughts and attatchments etc or cutting off from them completely

    - change in dream patterns

    --vairagya or detatchment

    -- spiritual aspirations and a daily renewed thirst for finding the inner self

    - -visions, logical or lucid or divine dreams and intution

    --getting absorbed in ur spiritual activity as soon as u sit for them

    -- feeling stronger vibrations at holy place or near saints

    -- sometimes falling ill or having inexplicable negative emotions like anger,hate etc also point out that you are being purified

    -- feeling more refreshed and calm when you wake up

    -- improved memory or concentration or mental ability

    -- more positive thoughts and love, faith in God after/during daily spiritual activity or visiting holy places etc

    -- new insights

  3. By the way we solve our problems...

  4. We will know if we are attentive & observant. Those that progress are aware of the steps they have taken, they see the signs within themselves.

    We don't progress in distraction or asleep. Can you relate the internal steps you have taken, the effects they have had? This attention & observation of self is both the walk & the result. Does your knowing come from concepts & theory or from personal experience of the walk. Where is your mind, what are your thoughts that occupy you, they will tell you much if we choose to be attentive & look. This observation will not only show us where we have been, but will also show us where we lack. Clarity, Wisdom, compassion, Love for all are among the signs.

    May we all gain these gifts.


    Edit: I wish to know.


    EDIT: We know we make progress when we feel we know nothing. Yes, I see, when we don't know, then Wisdom has a place to happen.

    What is in your heart & thoughts. Your heart will tell you how much of the false self & false wisdom you have overcome. Do you hate, are you patient, what are your thoughts focused on, do you judge, are you angery, etc...

    The heart is the device that can tell us if we progress or fall.


  5. By the quality of inner peace and joy experienced and ability of spreading the same to others. When all electronic measuring instrument's needle will be at zero point!

  6. Spiritual journey is more of an individual achievement. However, with the speed of information exchange nowadays, one can only assume, that people who are interested and are looking for answers are more likely to find them in abondance.  

  7. the spirit can't be measured scientifically, at least not yet, if it ever will be.  we know when we have progressed spiritually by experiencing changes in our lives and by how we feel inside.  our awareness of our selves and how we have changed is how we know.  

  8. Funny!  A good spirit.

    I suppose that each person has their own way of measuring it. However, such measurement is minuscule because ulitmately we can always progress further.

    If you are really intrested in this kind of theology/spirtuality I recommend the following readings:

    1.) Dark Night of the Soul by St. John of the Cross

    2.) Seven Storey Mountain by Thomas Merton


    Josemaria Rojas, OSB

  9. If you are balanced & peaceful in mind you are spiritually progressing

    Soul & spirit can not be measured in a laboratory!!!

  10. If you have emptied yourself of yourself then you have made a little progress.

    Good luck.

  11. I want to know and I do know!  My spirit only knows of keeping God at the top of the Priority list.  This is just natural since my awakening.  When I am getting down, confused and lost (a sort of h**l) I begin to see clearer coming up out of the chaos looking towards the light of the Divine.  If others are on your heart each day, God is sending you a message to either call them, see them or pray along with them even if you are not with them.

    When you have progressed, you will know how you feel around certain people who pull you down by their dark sucking energy.  This doesn't mean you are any better or greater than they are, you just have an awareness of darkness and light.

    Go to the light, keep moving towards the light and you will.  I already know!  


  12. There are no electrical or electronic devices to measure that progress. Spiritual progress is not a goal or destination to achieve. When we are realized we know the answers to all the questions and there arise no questions. You reach stillness or just know about God, yourself, the world etc. Then you become the mirror which reflects this unreal world. Only the mirror is real and the rest is unreal. After realization you do not have any wants or needs and the person who is that is like any other person and there is no way of differentiation.He looks normal like you. Aradhana has come close to some of the indications but it is not possible to understand Him. He will also never divulge that he is That!

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