
How can we live without government hand outs?

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No one deserves anything except a fair chance at sucess. Owning a home takes hard work many time working 2 jobs plus the other spouse working. Owning a car takes hard work. Buying any kind of insurance takes hard work. Notice the most used word "HARD WORK".




  1. Amen brother tell it on the chapel

  2. To quote my grandfather, born in 1915, died in 1993, orphaned at 8 years old, more or less on  his own at 13:

    "If I didn't work, I didn't eat"

    My how far the leftist "compassion" machine has caused us to fall.

    Edit:  Leave it to the skylarks of the world to completely miss the point, as if on cue.

  3. Indeed!!!! How can we live without government handouts!!!!

    All that needs to happen to completely eliminate the need of handouts (to individuals in need) is for people to start caring about each other and trying to get along and work out problems together. THAT IS ALL THAT NEED TO BE DONE!!!

    You question subjects to no relate to handouts to businesses and corporations, of which there are many, so I will not discuss them here!!!!!

    Following the following instruction from the Psalms would do much to much to eliminate the need for government charity(and many problems facing the world)

    Depart from evil, and do good, seek peace and pursue it.

    Psalms 34:14

  4. Simple don't rely on the government to support you!

    Someone above made a comment on veterans and that is the countries / governments responsibility to provide for them.

    People should be able to rely on the neighbors and their local community to help them grow and pursue happiness.

  5. Okay, so those veterans who come back from Iraq with broken spines  or blind should just get a job. And the kid who had to live in a bubble, tell him to get a job. And the ninety year old lady who was widowed when her husband  (94) was killed on the job should shut up and get a paper route.

  6. The words 'hard work' were removed from the liberal dictionary.

  7. Pity the "defense" contractors don't really believe in that.

  8. I knew a woman from Czechoslovakia when I was growing up. She and her family escaped as the iron curtain was going up. They left in the dead of night with only the clothes on their backs. They wore layers to carry more, left their hands free. She was just a teen. When they got to the US, her mother took her to school and told her "Don't come home until you learn English".

    She spoke English with no accent at all. A wonderful lady.

  9. everyone who has paid into the system is entitled to help when they hit bad times - lets hope it doesnt happen to you!

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