
How can we lower the risk of violence and crime in Educational Institutions?

by Guest34517  |  earlier

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How can we lower the risk of violence and crime in Educational Institutions?




  1. As much as I hate to say it, perhaps we will have to secure our campuses like they do the airports.  In certain schools, there are now metal detectors.  That is a sad situation but we cannot allow our children to be sacrificed by a crazed person either.

  2. Place tight security everywhere. And they think that we are at war with terrorist. America has so many problems within itself. It's sad when kids that want something for themselves have to be scared for there lives in effort to learn. It's such a cold world these days.

  3. Look at the causes of violence (e.g. mental illness, poverty, violence in the home) and also think about how much support parents receive with troubled kids.  One never hears of a little kid shooting people in an educational institution but we hear of older kids and youths going on violent sprees.

    Technology and police alone will not protect the public from mass shootings.  Some early intervention is needed.  Quite often, educators know about the troubled kids but there aren't any measures taken because parents are in denial or funding just doesn't cover these expenses.

  4. That's a very good question. Look at what happened at a college in Illinois again today.  This is getting way out of hand. I can offer a few answers. 1.Teach against such actions in while students are in GRADE SCHOOL. They know how to teach young kids a lot during the formative years (computers, math, spelling, sign language, being polite, memorization, etc. etc. why not something on their level pertaining to anti violence? 2.The far greater percentage of our movies and many TV shows portray violence or some sort of dishonorable behavior. It's time for a change in our media. 3.Not to get on a religious rant, but we have taken God, the commandants, prayer, and more, out of our schools and out of much of our society. It's beginning to show.

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