
How can we maintain the quality of the human race?

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It seems that educated people sensibly limit their families, while no-hopers breed like rabbits. What can be done?

Could it be done like in China, or through the tax system or what?

I hope this doesn't sound politically incorrect, but I think it's a real problem that no-one seems to want to talk about.




  1. Set an example, Captain Eugenics--Don't spawn.

  2. People speak of "eugenics" as being the deliberate creation of a superior master race, and complain that this means creating a smarter, more athletic race that will treat others badly.

    In truth, the descendants of whoever breeds the most will become the masters, even if they arguably inferior i.e. ugly, stupid, violent, without talent, obese. Logically then, they who deliberately breed more are engaging in eugenics too. In the USA, this is the minorities, who apparently strive to become the majority, and have done so in 10% of US counties.

    But given the ubiquity of eugenic behaviors, we should accept their inevitability. We should require that people get a license to breed, and we must establish a true meritocracy whereby licenses are given out because of intelligence, looks, athletic ability, and useful skills.

  3. When a population has a high percentage of educated women, the birth rate goes down. Find ways to further education in poor areas.

  4. I have pondered this very question myself.  Here in the U.S, we could put birth control hormones in all the McDonald's meals, or spike pepsi products with them.  For other parts of the world, spiking the drinking water with hormones might prove effective.  A single child policy like China's only leads to infanticide or child abandonment.

  5. As some folks have already mentioned - this has been discussed (and even attempted) in the past - it is called Eugenics.  Most people are aware of the n**i approach to Jews, but in reality that was only part of a much broader Eugenics program.  There was a real attempt not only to stop "inferiors" from breeding, but a public relations push to justify to the general populace.  Inferiors inlcuded mentally ill, physically handicapped, homosexuals, gypsies, and whole host of other types that were thought to be a burden on society.  The National Holocust Museum in Washington DC has a lot of info on this topic.  I have provided links below to a few of their pages on the topic.  take a look at them and see if it changes your thought at all.


  6. now thats a great question !!!! i think it should be talked about and something dun as well,the only answer i can get out of it all, is the hopeless ones just dont give a d**n and see nothing wrong it they tend to depend on us the tax payers ,and the goverment for help which is not enough money for u and i but they seem not to have a problem with cause its free to them and the so so make in there eyes.where educated familes tend to already know what they want in life and dont over set them selfs . with to many breeds    we all know that   can slow our demands down ,hope this is not to harsh!

  7. I read a book by Adolt Hotler called Meann Kamft he had a few theories about this

  8. Does cloning sounds right to you? If yes then you need a shrink.

  9. You do realize that at one point Whites were procreating quite a bit themselves, right? It happens with different races at different times.

  10. You make the mistake of assuming that educated people have more in-born intelligence than non-educated ones.  People who were born to a life of privilege often make this assumption in order to justify their advantages.  Just because your family can afford to give you a better life, doesn't make you genetically superior.

  11. Why would we want to maintain the quality of the human race? We should all be trying to improve it.

    Besides, what do you mean by quality? If you are talking about standard of living that's one thing, if you are talking about genetic make-up that's quite another.

    Your quality of life, or standard of what is acceptable might be quite unacceptable to someone else.

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