
How can we make a person realise that the one is rude and it hurts?

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How can we make a person realise that the one is rude and it hurts?




  1. Don't be rude back - that just makes you the person that you don't like.  You have to be open and honest (vulnerable) and tell the person that he/she has hurt you.  Don't let a mean person turn you into a mean person, too.

  2. boycott him, avoid him, ignore him, & when he will ask why are you doing so explain to him he will sure understand & reliase

  3. you can't change people. and doing it back to them just makes them feel justified for being rude, and it demeans you. you can only control your reactions to what others do to you.

  4. do the same as he does to everybody n be harsh on him. keep the attitude all the way like this n  u'll see the results

  5. do same with him and realise him

  6. tell him on his face when somebody hurts you

    its fine to tell them of even if it hurts them.

  7. If a person is rude... you can just say him on his face... if he countinue to be the same way... its better if you carry on with your life... and not care about such people.. some dont change at all.

  8. You can't make a person realize anything.

    You can, however, do things to help them understand, but there's no guarantee that what you do or say will change anything--the person being rude is the one who has to change.

    The best thing is honesty: "When somebody says things like that about me, it really hurts my feelings." Then walk away, if possible. Don't be accusatory, that is, don't say, "YOU hurt my feelings when you say that." It's the words and the actions coming from anybody who says/does them that hurt.

  9. Most people know very well what they do/say, when they do/say it.

    Assuming this time may be different and someone said something rude that offended the other party without realizing it, then the only way to make them aware of it it is to say so.

    People do not know they have offended someone unless the other party makes it known, people cannot read minds.

    If you do not tell them, you cannot blame them.

    If you do tell them, and they apologize, good, if not and it repeats then you know where you stand with them and you will have to rethink the friendship/relationship accordingly.

  10. hey timmi same happened wid me last week. and u know i cant behave like others who is rude. but you know now a days if u dont say anything 2 them then they dont understand that what they r doing even they don realise. but u know little bit you can say him/her on the spot. but dont go in argue because they  take you to their level and beat you wid their experience.

  11. when he's rude, tell him that it hurts. if he continues being rude, ignore him. maybe such people learn only by bitter experiences.

  12. treating same with him

  13. This is one of those questions you will ask your whole life.  Ever heard of the quote "negative breeds negative".  If you allow your self to be the way they are by acting the way they are,  you are becoming them.  I would suggest the next time the person acts that way, in a laid back way suggest that it isn't the way you would handle a situation.  If the person isn't getting it, then I would take my self out of that person's life if it is possible.  Life is to short to be dealing with people that hurts you.

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