
How can we make metal float?

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How can we make metal float?




  1. if metal has a large surface area according to its volume,it will float(the same logic which we apply while manufacturing ships).

  2. Give it a large volume, like a ship

  3. The boat made of metal and it's float in water.........

    A steel boat hull is not as heavy as the amount water that the boat hull pushes away, or displaces. Inagine the boat as making a hole in the water. If the boat weighs less than the water it would take to fill that hole, it floats.

  4. Very small rocks float, too.

    Chop the metal into very small shavings, and gently sprinkle on the surface.  Or, as mentioned earlier, make a boat out of it.

  5. is tin foil a metal?

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