
How can we make our youtube videos better? ?

by  |  earlier

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here are links to a few of our videos. please tell me what you thing (good or bad) and what we could do to make them better. answers here as well as comments on the youtube page would be amazing. thanks so much!




  1. wow...thats all i can say

  2. ur hottttt

  3. don't sing hannah montana. Bleh! She sucks. I didn't watch the rest of your vids just cuz the first one had yu singing hannah montana.

    [edit] Also, don't keep your vids in blak n' white. kinda boring

    JuSt sOmE cOnStRuCtIvE cRiTiSiSm!!!

    [edit again] What makes me laugh is randomness. Just think of something outside of the box. You could have a slumber party and video tape a pillow fight, or do a prank to the first girl that fell asleep. Funny random things: Peanuts, Soks, Trix Yogurt, Pandas, Dust Bunnies, Barney, Teletubbies, The Wiggles, etc.

    Good Luck


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