
How can we make own site with .com. (e.g. is its registration site.?

by  |  earlier

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I want know about how to registered a site with .com. How to creat Personal site & Personal email id.




  1. you need domain and webhosting.The best way to buy a domain for free is to purchase your domain and webhosting together. In this way it is possible to get your domain for free. Some webhosting companies offer this as a gift .bluehost webhosting is the best one

  2. U can contact any of the web hosting which will do the rest

  3. if you are located in mumbai- india.

    contact 27894857

  4. Ok, You need to contact an ISP which is a internet service provider. They will be able to register a website to the name you want. They will also give you an email address. You need to contact either them or someone else about creating a website for you unless you can code yourself. i don't know which country you are in so I cannot give you an idea of a ISP. Search on Google for internet providers.

  5. Praveen You can check your domain name availability with and register with any isp providers.. Rediff do that check there site.. you can do it on line. so after that you have to get some Server space  (Depends on ur requirement). For that you have to find some server space providers.. u can just search on net for that..! Just link your domain with the server (change the name server setting).

    Then creating a site.. if you know Coding u can do it user self or have to find a web developer frnd..!

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