
How can we make the canadien gouvernment better?

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How can we make the canadien gouvernment better?




  1. Are you just a lousy speller, or do you have absolutely no clue about French grammar? And what does this have to do with cCnadian football?

  2. Elect more CFL players to the House.

    Pinball for Prime Minister.

  3. By not asking Political questions in the Sports section?

  4. By making sure they all watch CFL football. ;)

  5. Have Canadians be more active in politics. Get people out to vote. Liberalize immigration laws (populate the country). Make the Yukon and Northwest Territories Provinces (possibly using the Nunavut model). Just a few ideas....

  6. by expanding the cfl to 10 teams

  7. By getting more NHL teams such as in Winnipeg. Also they could form a basketball league thats lower than the NBA. In 2002, there was an International Basketball Association which was great entertainment here in Winnipeg when we had the cyclone. good times ;)

  8. Get the Tories a Majority in the next election.

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