
How can we make this world a place of peace with out fighting and killing?

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Who starts wars men of different cultures or women of any culture.

Maybe no man should be born until killing is stopped.




  1. what you are gonna have a woman get you pregnant with the finger? i dont think so, hatred will always exist, killing will never stop. women are also killers not just man, life would not be life without death. just as we need peace we need terror to remind us why is good to go for peace, to understand pain and why we shouldnt be always thinking about one' self.  

  2. Men AND women.  You can't put all the blame on one gender.  You feminists make me sad.

    There's no way to have a blissful, peaceful world.  It's just the way it is, which makes is so darn interesting.

  3. There have been more lives lost in the name of God than for any other reason

  4. It all originates with imposing ideals on other people by force.  Force begets resistance and resistance begets fighting and fighting begets killing.  Both men and women are equally to blame for using force to execute an idea weather it be by deception or brute force.  Remove a persons freedom of choice and prepare for war.

  5. We can't.

    As already mentioned, the issue isn't gender specific. Humans. People. Individuals, are where these problems stem & escalate from.

    As long as things like propaganda, censorship, brainwashing, lack of education etc. run rampant, ignorance will continue to breed, and people will continue to fight.

  6. We can't stop the wars because we are incapable of it. We are the human race and to assume that the females are entirely pacific is erroneous. A woman can debase herself to the level of any man given the right conditions. We will always have wars with us as long as we have no one to lead us in the wisdom and power to do so.

    The only one I know who can do that is God and not enough people are listening to Him.

    One day we will have to. One  day the Christ will return for good. Then the wars will stop. But not until then.

  7. It sounds horrible, but in theory it could possibly work.

    When two people get mad at each other, kill them both.

    Eventually you'll either kill all the mean people in the world, or people will be too horrified to get mad at each other.

  8. i think all conflict results from greed and discontent and since both are pretty much part of what makes us human, i don't see peace happening. it's a sad, sad world we're living in.

  9. Men arent the root of all evil, you should stop thinking men are only cruel violent beings. Violence will Never stop. Anti Emo riots will still occor, most Goths will still hate all the preps, cat fights will happen, and we NEED men to reproduce and I of corse would prefer to marry a man anyway >_>; And Im sure half the worl'd population of women would agree. I say only half because lesbians I dont think would marry a man if they like women XD Killing or fighting will never cease to exist. In my opinion, I think people should stop wishing for it since it will never come. There wil always be someone who is Sexist, or Racist, or Prejudace(spelling wrong I'm sure)

    Not all men are evil...Not all women are Angels and even so: Devils can Cry and Angels can Kill

  10. By Realizing That The Power of Love

    is Greater Than The Love of Power!


  11. I am a male and I have the same opinion as you. That is, not that no men should be born until killing is stopped, but that this world needs to be a place of peace to live on for thousands more years. If no men were born, there would be no reproduction and the human race would become extinct. We need to change the world one bit a time. Mostly by giving money to funds and being nice to other people. Optimism isn't a bad idea either.  

  12. The capacity to kill isn't a gender issue, it's a human potential.

    A couple of things....

    1) Our world is built on and survives on Hierarchies, and blind compliance to those authorities who deem themselves high enough to spout orders from a higher order on that particular hierarchy.

    2) We need to demand that more people become free-thinkers, and people from corporate-america to politicians be rewarded on practical results... not by how much they overspend, seniority, or their incompetence(indirect as it may be rewarded..)

    3) Of course this raises the question: Won't we create that many more sociopaths and criminals, if we don't create blind, conforming drones to do the powers-that-be's bidding?

    4) Maybe yes, and Maybe no,  but to be honest with our blind compliance to the powers-that-be that presently reside in each of our respective Government's, we have created Politically-Correct sociopaths.. and the innocents that we are allowing to be killed get euphamized as collateral-damage, and the like...

    5) I'm not sure how the masses are to take back their individual countries.... but something must change... in order for anything productive to happen..... it's not all-bad today.... but the scale and degree of political-murders that have been committed in the name of patriotism, must be called for what they are serial-killings.... and the sociopaths like you see on the 6 o'clock news.... aren't much different then our leaders in Government at times...

    6) The more people choose to think for themselves... the more they will be rewarded with discovering their own personal-integrity for doing so... I guess it would be easier to let our bosses and the powers-that-be to string us along and give us a slice of cheese or two at the end of the month.... but that choice contributes to the serial-killings in our Governments more then choosing to think and act different.

    7) I'm just as guilty as the rest of the masses, for I depend on the morsels for survival as well... but at least I'm aware that the wool is being pulled over my eyes... won't you choose to do the same...

    8) Then maybe those, or from those that choose to become aware of such things... may have better influence and capacities to bring back to account the rationalized serial-killings committed at the top hierarchies of our society, mainly our governments... and to call such killings for what they are:


    9) Then and maybe only then... can we remove the biggest obstacles standing in our way of peace... that the price for freedom doesn't come from the coin of Murder, but from the transaction of non-violent competition to make our competing countries better for that very competition... ( one of the reasons the greeks created the olmpics I believe...)

  13. Please don't be sexist. It's not men who started war or women who started war, it was HUMANS who started war. Check the news and you'll see both genders causing chaos and killings.

    Besides, IF we killed off every man, then the human population would cease to exist. Once the women die out, it's the end to humanity. THINK about it.

    We are trying to find a solution, but it's harder than it seems. People just say, "Let's bring peace!", but it's not that simple. If we can't even stop crime off of our local streets, how do we cure the world from violence all together? Humans aren't perfect and this could take years upon years upon years to come. Or maybe it may never happen at all. We can't turn back time. There's been fighting since the beginning of time.

  14. We can't. It isn't a gender specific problem.  There are prisons for women too.

    Barbi, this is the second question you a have framed with a 'no man should be born' clause.

  15. I don't know if its possible. The whole of humanity has been fighting since its infancy. But there's always hope and that's what I look to.

  16. The peace formula: 1) realize that we are all spiritual by nature. the body and mind are just external coverings of the soul. we are eternal. 2) realize that everything that exists -- everything that we can experience and everything that we will never experience comes from the Absolute Truth, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. 3) everything must be offered for the pleasure of the Lord since it is His property and not used for the benefit or pleasure of anyone else.

  17. The problem is not gender, but delusions of separation and people not knowing how to turn obstacles in opportunities. Those things are much discussed, but it is difficult to overcome the visuall input of separation. Even though there is only one carbon cycle and one water cycle and one oxygen cycle and even though we ar mutuallydependentt on each other, our eyes see us as separate. Visual input overrides knowledge.

    People need knowledge that is more powerful than visual input. The only body of knowledge like that I have met is taught bySIGI.

  18. women also fight. just not as much physically. but that doesn't mean that they wouldn't.

    i think that in order to achieve world peace, we need to first discuss and learn and arrive at a consensus of what is best. how best to have the world ruled or organized, governed. that means forgetting about tradition. not in a cultural sense but in a religious, sense and in a government sense. this is difficult for human beings to do. there can be differences in laws in places, but not in how society is governed, how the economics work out.

    i think another important step is to mix all the countries into one. right now we do things like blame china for polluting so much, when really they are producing OUR goods. we do not try to solve their poverty as though they were part of our own country. they are kind of their own problem. so i think making all the world one, will make all the world our problem. again, this would only need to be in a economic sense. different areas could have different local laws.

    mostly we need to listen, need to be willing to change and compromise, and wiling to learn. we need to be humble selfless and practice moderation. greed is largely responsible for conflict.


  20. Unfortunately, we can't control everyone.  However, we can control ourselves. We can create peace within our own homes and families, and share that peace with others by being kind and patient with others. There will always be evil in the world, but there can be peace in our own little worlds.  

  21. agreed, fighting will never stop. even the democrats can't stop it. its everyones doings

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