
How can we motivate people to get involved in oceanic conservation and restoration efforts ?

by Guest21470  |  earlier

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How can we motivate people to get involved in oceanic conservation and restoration efforts ?




  1. Well first of all you have to choose your target communities for example, goverment officials, people from NGOs, Local community or young students.

    To motivate Government officials strategy is to talk in terms of Govt goals, Use media campaigns, signifies its role in country's economy is very useful tool to convince.

    For NGOs u hv to search for the relevant one. usually siging an MoU for projects or collobration iwth them fro some media campiagns.

    Local community in these areas are usually interested in monetary gains. any activity design to generate income for them will be beneficial.

    Young students through campaign, including the topic in curriculum and arraninging their visits and designing activites.

  2. In order for this to be done, it has to be legislated. You have to write to Congress and your local representatives of your state. Of course it would be wonderful just to hope it happens by itself; but it won't. You have to be proactive in making your efforts heard.

    Take Australia for instance. In the Great Barrier Reef there are sea stars that are ruining the reef. They prey on all kinds of reef corals. Some scientists and activists got involved with the government and now they have workers who dive onto the reefs to remove these "Crown of Thorns" as they are known as.

    Locally, lets say you have a retention pond or a branch, (otherwise known as a large ditch), which might have cans, bottles and spare tires; all kinds of trash in it and you want to clean it up. Write to your city council and propose a solution. Describing a problem is easy, but what we want to do is propose a way to take care of the problem. Outline what you think will work and if necessary, draft a petition and present it to your local or state legislators and request a meeting with them.

    Send a copy of your request to your local news stations and/or a national one like CNN. State the gravity of the matter and how it affects you, wildlife and well-being of the nature of your grievance. Be persistent and insist that your matter be heard and judged upon the merits that you present. Once you have the media on your side, you case is nearly won. The decisions of your legislators will know it will become public and their jobs will depend upon their decisions regarding your cause.

    Do not hesitate to write to anyone including Al Gore who has a lot of clout in the political arena. Writing the president of the United States at this time will do nothing in itself, but if you do, you will at least have that on your resume of people you have asked for help. If you feel so strongly about your cause, you will find the resources necessary to get it done.

    I feel as you do and will join you in your quest. Do not hesitate to write me personally and I will do all I can to assist you. Best of luck and let me know how things are going.

  3. 1>An interactive water education site featuring facts and activities on various water topics including the hydrologic cycle, pollution, wise water use, watershed protection and global water issues.  Designed to engage and inspire kids to become involved in their own watersheds by sharing their stories and becoming "Water Heroes".

    2>Acid mine drainage from Pennsylvania's abandoned mine legacy is one of the leading causes of water pollution in the state. "Pollution to Solution" describes the history and causes of acid mine drainage in the Wyoming Valley and successful efforts to restore impacted watersheds. Earth Conservancy, a nonprofit organization for conservation and land revitalization in the Wyoming Valley, is using the video as an educational tool for community group and classroom presentations.

    3>Acting Locally

    This program takes viewers on a tour across America, visiting with community group members that are working to eliminate environmental health risks in their neighborhoods

    4>Black Tide: The Prestige Incident

    This website examines the disasterous Prestige oil spill in Spain; specifically focusing on the volunteer clean up efforts, our current oil dependence, as well as cleaner and safer energy alternatives.


    visit this site for more info....

  4. stop lying about the "problem".

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