
How can we observe a 'green week' in school?

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What are some simple ideas for having a "green week" (a week dedicated to the environment) at school? Or some important points to follow? How can we make our school a greener and cleaner place?




  1. Buy earth friendly cleaners from the first company to obtain Climate Neutral certification and totally offset its C02 emissions, resulting in a net zero impact on the environment. And I don't drive to the store to buy them. They are shipped to my house by UPS - who has put in processes to cut the amount of resources they use to make deliveries.

    The cleaners are premium quality, natural, biodegradable, environmentally friendly household products. They contain no volatile organic compounds, chemicals that produce noxious toxins and air pollution. They are not tested on animals. They use ingredients that are safe for your family, pets, and the planet. For more information, check here:

    The company is environmentally friendly & the products are environmentally friendly. It's a win-win!

  2. Have a fancy dress show. represent all the trees, flowers and vegetables

    Second day should be Oceans and the sky.

    Have painting competition. Themes should be mountains, trees, rivers. The changing landscape.

    Have small plays. showing how Man is destroying Nature.

    Our Fairy stories have lot to tell about Nature. e.g. 'Thumbelina', The Little Mermaid, Jack and the Beanstock. Greek stories, of Pluto and Mother Earth.

    The idea is to let children know , what environment is.

  3. Environment should be taught to school children. Every school should allocate some time to know about this subject. They have to be told to practise in their houses. The schools should start harvesting rain water for growing plants.

  4. Sure, shut off all the electricity and gas heating, and make them study by candlelight with their coats still on.  They need to know exactly what the UN has in mind for them.

  5. 1) Stop using plastic because they are not bio-degradable

    2) Conserve water - example: to flush about 100 ml of urine, we press the button and flush 15 litres of water. This is a criminal waste.  We can do this with just about 3/4 litres by pulling back the button of the flush to its normal stage.

    2) Stop misusing electricity during day time for lighting purpose in our homes, schools.  Have a look at the following and make your school a green school:

    Knowingly or unknowingly we are all partners in misusing of costly electricity for our lighting purpose during day time when the solar light is available just outside our windows. Why can't bring home the sunshine?

    Yes. This has been successfully adopted by a number of people in Bangalore, India. This innovative but simple method of bringing home the sunshine was suggested to the World Bank as a Grassroots Initiative for Preservation of Natural Resourcs during IDM-2007 competition - Project U-SEE (Unlimited Savings of Electrical Energy). U-SEE does not involve any nano technology nor does it requires billions of dollars for implementation. Moreover, U-SEE you get free lighting for life. No charges.

    The World Bank honored this initiative and has created a permanent blog on the World Bank URL at and then click on India DM 2007

    How is it implemented? U need a house hold mirror of 12"X18" and a pillow. Identify where u can get maximum sunshine just outside the windows with clear glass or on the balcony, keep the pillow on a stool or chair and place the mirror on the pillow, go on nudging the mirror till the solar light is deflected from the mirror, through the window and on to the white ceiling inside your home. U will be surprised to find the light spreading from the ceiling - it can be 40 to 60 watts (see the picture above - notice tube light and table lamp in the corner are not burning but there is enough light). If u can keep a bigger mirror, u will get more bright light. U can control the light just by covering a portion of the mirror.

    Earth moves on its latitude. When u find that the deflected solar light is moving elsewhere, just go to the mirror, nudge a little and u can get back your light as before. THIS IS THE BASIC IDEA and once u have done it, u be the Innovator of your light requirements for your home and U-SEE PROVIDES YOU FREE LIGHTING FOR LIFE. Many homes/huts in rural areas in developing countries do not have proper lighting and people are living in dark, damp and dingy environs but urbanites living in concrete jungles in cities with tinted glasses are misusing electricity for their lighting purpose even during day time.

    U-SEE the Benefits: ONE incandescent bulb/tubelight burning for 6 hours during day time consumes 7 units of electricity in a month. If half the world can adopt U-SEE and switch off one bulb for 6 hours during day time, how much of electricity can be saved? Your guess is as good as mine + saves cost of fossil fuels, coal, water+saves cost incurred for machineries and equipments+saves overhead charges+saves transmission loss charges+saves the world from global warming (burning bulbs/CO2 etc) with n'th value+ U GET FREE LIGHTING FOR LIFE with n'th value. The savings that accrue can off set the load on our productive requirements like A/c, refrigerators, mixies, fans etc.

    Solar light will be available at least for about 200 days in a year and it is infinite and why should we let it go waste? We are not harnessing this infinite energy. U-SEE is ssoo simple.

    First adopt this method, innovate solutions if u face small problems. U be the winner. U-SEE It is a win win situation for all of us. Need clarifications, mail: U-SEE - The author's ambition is to spread this friendly initiative to one and all. No charges!!


    a) Every students must compulsorily clean the school and plant sapling and nourish the ones already ther

    b) No littering of plastics, junks and other wastes ,should ask school management to provide Dustbins at every nook and corner of the school , if anybody found he should be detained fo give social services to the schools and students alike

    c) Debates ,plays , elocutions, essay & drwaing competititons should be encouraged based on Environment

    Hey try something out of your own head so that you really mean what you have bin asking for Suggestions ,

  7. Avoid and shun these stupid liberal agendas and tell them you don't want to participate.

    If you can tell the teachers this calmly and directly, that would enhance your education and speaking skills tremendously and would greatly prepare you to deal with life.

    Speak to the other students and expose the folly of such programs. It may not be too late to protect the world and save it from the horrors of liberalism, if the young people can be made aware.

  8. Here are a few suggestions:

    - Have each class go out to a park, or around the school,  to pick up trash.

    - Request a speaker from the state or federal epa to conduct a presentation on the environment.

    - Field trip at a nature preserve, or an aquarium.  

    - If you have kindergarteners, have them each draw/paint their own picture of how they see the environment.

    - Have a movie shown to the students with an environmentally conscious theme, like "An Inconvenient Truth," or "Who Killed the Electric Car," or even "Happy Feet".

  9. -All the student must use the public transport system or the school bus(instead of using private means of transport).

    -Save power,food and water

    -Plant a few saplings

  10. The cafeteria could serve only locally grown food and not use disposable items in serving them and students could carry lunches or snacks in reusable containers and reuse the containers.

  11. Celebrate by planting saplings around the school. Plantings are available botanical nurseries.

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