
How can we overcome the influence of Big Oil and move to clean energy?

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I notice that Bil Oil is already big time attacking the suggestions of Gore that we move to clean energy sources within 10 years.

Of course the oil companies have puppet strings on congress, etc.

So are we ever going to be able to move to cheaper cleaner energy sources? Are car manufacturers controlled by big oil also?

Is there any way to fight the big oil companies and move on to cleaner energy sources?




  1. OPEC is worse than the Mafia.

    Actually the Mafia people that I knew were not heartless.

    They were more like Robin Hood than "hoods"

    And the Big Oilmen that I knew before OPEC was formed

    used to joke about  "The stupidity of Americans like you

    when you don't object to paying $1.00/barrel for something

    we get from the ground for pennies "

    (This was in the late 70 s /Invitational Dinner in Iran for

    nearby Oil Producing Areas (Iraq/Kuwait/Saudi/etc)

    It is difficult to understand how Big Nations will go to

    war and take over countries and not walk away with

    the one asset that would help their citizens the most

    O-I-L !!!!

    Shakespeare would have provided a scene like

    this "we dead soldiers who gave up our arms,legs,

    lives for you leaders want to know why ---if these

    were our enemies,why do you leave them with the

    good possessions which they will later use to

    dominate the world !"

  2. There is really no Big Oil...just big consumers.

    When you give your car away, and opt for an electric car...unplug everything you own and go totally solar..then you are ready to move to clean sources.

    But as long as we consume, they will produce.

  3. One big oil guy is T. Boone Pickens, and he has seen his own oil wells beginning to go dry and is looking for other sources of energy out there. He's come up with a plan for America using wind and solar power, and natural gas for transportation. I'm sure he's on the right track because I already have purchased 2 cars that run on natural gas, and I love 'em! They run MUCH cleaner than gasoline powered cars and they are sooo much cheaper to fill up, too ($10). Anyway, that's my take on the issue; just do an end run around big oil and buy cars that run on something else. I'm including my sources below so you can learn more about it!

  4. Not really, because world economy depends upon oil unfortunately. So as long as there's oil, we'll use it, and only when it becomes rare and expensive will people officially move onto other types of energy. And again, it won't be the cleanest or most efficient, just the cheapest.

  5. why would you listen to a guy thats doesn't practice what he preaches. First off, CO2 is not a pollutant.  Second people buy what they want and sell what they want.  If you want to pay more for less by being "green" whatever that is, then just do it.

  6. go to nuclear and solar power.

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