
How can we personally heal children who are victims of domestic violence?

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Because the husband had another woman then, the couple used to fight almost everyday and the kids are caught in between which led to a broken home.




  1. one action would be to ask 'their' angels and guides to protect them and allow them to receive peace and understanding. There are always lessons each individual soul needs to learn from every situation regardless of age.

    Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary are two of the many Masters that offer healing assistance to Earthbound Souls

  2. Safe home reassurance from a love one. Maybe some help talk things out. No child  should wittiness domestic violence and if they do they might think is ok to abuse a girl or lady down the line. The kids might have nightmares for awhile if they wittiness's any abuse.  Keep say there are safe and you love them very much and nothing will ever happen to them ever.Don't let the childern go near that person ever again and if they choice to talk to you let them and just listern and things will be ok.

  3. You need to let them know that they are not victims but they are little people who experinced a bad situation and it's not their fault.

    Let them know since they have seen some nasty behaviors they will grow up teaching others how to overcome ugly violent behavior such as this. Let them know they would be great teachers cause they have seen first hand what violence causes. Let them know even though it's not fair they are separate from their family God call upon strong little souls such as theirs to help other people before it's to late for their family and this is why God is putting you in a well protected environment with lots of love. let them know God will put people in their way who will help them to be even stronger.

    I'm giving you some examples cause we have to use reverse psychology on these little souls. Many times when people know they are here for a purpose and is train not to feel sorry for themselves but to help others they are most likely to dwell on their future of successes. I've had a group home for 8 years and have change the life of many children who has been in violent situations. I had one to call me last night and told me thank you for being such a great woman and never turning my back on them. I have six children and have adopted 7. It's been a jungle but if you can see beyond the jungle you can do anything. I hope I've helped you to produce other healthy minds. There's a little psychology in everybody in the world. If I can help further please feel free to email me.

  4. The children need a safe home free from domestic violence right now. The parents need to understand how their actions effect the children and how they could grow up to be violent towards their spouses or seek out violent relationships.  

  5. Love and support. Listening to the needs of the children and enabling them to express their emotions, whether it's anger, fear or sadness. Providing as much stability and security as possible and never judging the young person or ignoring their behaviour, no matter how challenging it is. Counselling may be a good option and children who grow up around domestic abuse will need continuous support throughout adolescence and adulthood

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