
How can we possibly have Camilla as queen? Compared to her, a baboons a s s looks pretty?

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How can we possibly have Camilla as queen? Compared to her, a baboons a s s looks pretty?




  1. First of all, I don't think so. Besides, since when being a queen depends on being pretty?

  2. Don't worry, she can't become Queen, parliament won't allow it.

  3. Look dont matter

    but you are acting like the rest of them are attractive

    every last one of them is ugly

    and yes little fangirls, i am referring to wills and harry also

  4. well Prince Charles is a baboon to

    so they are a match

  5. Trolling under another name I see,blocked again.

  6. She may look like one but you talk like one.

  7. Camilla is married to the future King. When Charles becomes King, she will be Queen. While both of them are divorced, both their former spouses are now dead so there is no impediment to their being married even within the Church of England. If they wanted to, they could have a small Church marriage ceremony to remove any possible problem.

    Camilla is over 60 and looks good for her age. She is not Diana but she obviously has something going for her to keep Charles happy for decades.

  8. What do looks have to do with it?  Her major job is to keep the King happy, which she seems to do pretty well.

  9. As long as the Church of England recognizes the marriage between Prince Charles and Camilla, is it is a virtual certainty that she will be Queen when he assumes the throne as King.

    If this happens, there is nothing Parliament will do or can do without changing the law, which will not happen.

    Whatever Camilla looks like, has nothing to do with her future title - Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  10. Looks do not matter it is the person beyond the looks, unfortunately Camilla cannot be deemed as a good person nor Charles for that matter.  If they were living down the road from you or me what name would be attached to Camilla?  The Queen or King should be good examples, but it seems affairs have royal stamp of approval.

  11. I was not aware that beauty was part of the criteria for becoming Queen...I'm certain the Queen presently sitting the throne didn't get there because of her looks...

  12. Luckily, for all the monarchy's flaws, one doesn't become queen based on beauty criteria.  Camilla's looks have not a jot to do with being Queen.  

    There is however some question of whether she will become queen at all, beautiful or not.  The monarch (i.e. Charles) must marry in a Church of England ceremony, and as the Church doesn't recognize divorce, Charles and Camilla cannot do that.  Therefore, the Church technically doesn't recognize the marriage and cannot crown her Queen, as both the Archbishops of Canterbury and York have pointed out.

    However, whatever happens with the constitutional issue, Camilla's looks have absolutely no bearing on the matter at all.

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