
How can we prevent glacier melting and what research is being done?

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what are things on a large scale that we can do to prevent the melting of glaciers? Also what research is being done about the melting of the glaciers?




  1. Uum did you just hear about it... or something?

    There is hundreds of experiments beieng done over the world on global warming/carbon emmissions and greenhouse gasses...

    Too help youl need to study something in natural biology/geography and/or join a project aimig at stopping global warming. or just research ideas.

    Projects already existant  is the people in switserland covering the whole glasier in `tin foil``

    Also a research boat is at presantly busy dumping iron oxide in the sea. this will increase the amount of photo plankton that thrives on the iron = wich means more o2 and less Ch2...

    And lots more

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