
How can we promote peace and justice in our country?

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How can we promote peace and justice in our country?




  1. By being individuals whom value peace, act in peacful ways towards others. And to do what is just and right in our daily lives!! Remember, the world is made up of "Individuals." And it is because of each individual person these things are alive and well or dead and gone!!

  2. In addition to maxman's answer, I think that we should recognize and end rascism.  It's unthinkable that we still have rascism between black and white americans.  Now we have an unspoken totally acceptable rascism.  This prejudice is against American Muslims.  I was appalled when I listened to Hilary and Obama in the last debate.  In one breath, she spoke of his affliation with Ferrakan and his intolerance of the Jewish religion.  We know she (among others) has criticized Obama for his Muslim background.  How is verbally attacking Muslims not racsism?  The last I heard we have freedom of religion in this country (unless ofcourse, Huckabee gets elected).  If we believe that every Muslim is a terrorist, we must believe that every German is a n**i, every Cathoic priest is a child molester, every politician is a liar (I am not so sure about this one), and the list goes on and on.

    Look back in history at how Hitler seduced the Germans with his hatred of the Jews.  He used fear tactics much like the ones we see today with reference to the Muslims.  Muslim-Americans are Americans.  Everyone in America was once an immigrant (unless you are American Indian and you are first true victims of rascism).  We founded this country on ending tyranny and equality of all.  We are becoming one race.  Put an end to racsism!!!

  3. Easiest method:

    Find out who the teacher's unions endorse.

    Then vote for the opponent.

  4. Great question. Several things can and should be done:

    1) Instill in our children individual responsibility and accountability for their actions. Too many people in the US look to Mommy Government to solve their problems, and this is a source of conflict and lack of justice. It all starts in the home, and this is where it should all start; not in some government program.

    2) A well-informed/educated populace. Many people in the US (about 20%) cannot even locate the US on a map, let alone other countries of the world. The better-informed and educated people are, the better they are able to make good decisions and understand different cultures, religions and people in general. There is a wealth of information available on the internet to meet this need.

    3) A good work ethic and basic financial knowledge. Too many people in the US believe in the concept of a "Free Lunch". They expect others through wealth redistribution to meet their needs.

    4) The most important concept we could all embrace is the Golden Rule; that is, treat others in the manner in which we each would like to be treated. This concise, simple, yet highly effective manner of behavior would go a long way to better understanding and appreciating a diverse population.

  5. The only way to promote peace is to value peace and live peacefully. If there was all peace then there'd be no need for justice.

  6. There is a group called the C.P.J. (community for peace and justice). They do a good job, and voting for Ron Paul would be a good start. He is all about that.

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